Interview with Cyd St. Vincent, FTM Gay Porn Director

We interviewed Cyd St. Vincent, director of BONUS HOLE BOYS, on the hardcore gay FTM porn studio’s most recent film, Kipp’s Frat Hazing.

PinkLabel.tv: What is the allure of fraternity scenarios within gay and trans masculine desire?
Cyd St. Vincent: For me, there is intense erotic fascination within homoerotic bonding through heterosexual contexts. I get really hot around the danger of being “found out.” In these scenarios you are caught in this juxtaposition of having to be sexually available but also ‘not too gay’ and as a trans man in that context there is so much there to turn me on. Access to these spaces that I would never be allowed in. Brotherhood sexuality and initiation into a male family. Objectification of my body and roleplaying being treated with curiosity. Competition and proving yourself worthy. It’s all the stuff that dreams are made of, for me.

PL: What’s gross and hilarious (spoilers?) about the film?

Cyd: Ex Libris, Kipp Slinger, and I really went to town on a script that included as many weird pervy situations as possible. Kipp brought a lot of the concepts for this scene, including his desire to be forced to blow raspberries into my asshole, which may be the first time that is documented on film… ha! Sebastian Keys actually had some personal experience around frat culture so he really was there, running his mouth with a never-ending fountain of bro-isms, forcing my face down to lick his gym shoes. The ending, where they both cum on a cookie that Kipp eats to mark his acceptance into the brotherhood was oh so ridiculous, but I also couldn’t help but get caught up in the thrill of the moment cheering him on during this really gross moment.

PL: About ‘ookie cookie’… why is it seemingly more disturbing to eat cum when it’s on food, and not by itself which is very common in porn?

Cyd: Cum straight from the source or licked off a body part is a totally different thing than having it smeared like some kind of icing on top of a cookie. Cum by itself is sexy, cum on a food item is obscene because it dissociates it from the sex part. So you are just casually eating semen, so gross!

PL: And hot! What is porn’s place in creating ridiculous or shocking content for entertainment and titillation?

Cyd: There is a lot of pressure as porn company in new genre to create content that feels easier for people to digest, and we’ve definitely gone past that with content addressing age play, frat hazing, and public spectacle sex.

I understand definitely that since we are breaking an understanding of trans men to a new public, Bonus Hole Boys has a responsibility to teach cis gay men how to respectfully engage with trans men, but I want to do that in way that fully engages with the complexities of desire while still holding consent and respect for trans bodies at the forefront. I don’t want to play it safe — I want to show barebacking and then talk about how performers navigate HIV risk. I want to do daddy/boy scenes and then talk about how for both people that experience can be healing. I want to bring someone brave enough to be naked in public and shower him with adoration because he is so hot. Whatever fantasies people have, they deserve to be treated well. Through creating content that may be shocking that also is 100% about respect for participants, porn can be a framework for people who have sex outside the box to see how to model that in their own lives.

PL: This is your second time working with Sebastian, what was it like working with Christian and Kipp? How many “first-timers” have you paired, and what are your thoughts on introducing cis/trans sexual partners? Any surprises? Have you found casting to be more difficult or come with a novelty element because of this?

Cyd: Working with Sebastian Keys is an absolute dream — we brought him back on for this shoot because he is such a friendly and careful performer, while also being able to go there with dirty talk or body worship in a totally passionate way. Kipp, I had been wanting to cast since first coming across some of his other porn including his work on FTM Fucker. He is just so fucking sexy and also this deeply genuine and incredibly intelligent person, and that all comes across on film in a way I am so excited about. Christian Wilde was also so fantastic to work with – he had never had sex with a trans guy and was incredibly respectful and sweet all while maintaining this kind of bully-esque character. Watching the shoot it was actually really amazing to see Sebastian and Christian high five while facefucking Kipp, and break and they would all check in with each other — like how are you knees going? Do you want some water?

Casting has been very smooth so far. We have been so pleasantly surprised by the cis male talent we’ve had, regardless of their previous experience sleeping with trans men, being super open minded about it and really taking the steps to making the experience comfortable for their co-stars — asking honest and thoughtful questions and being receptive to feedback. I thought we would have a much harder time finding cis men, especially those who are pretty gay porn famous, but really we’ve gotten a ton of interest in the company!

PL: Is there a reason the frat hazing is a four-way and would you involve more people if you could?

Cyd: For this scene I felt like the combo we had was perfect, but if we had the budget I would absolutely film a gang bang. I love group sex, and the feeling of being physically overwhelmed by multiple partners. Buy our shoots and maybe one day we can afford to do a trans man 8-10 person fuck fest.

Watch Kipp’s Frat Hazing, and more from BONUS HOLE BOYS.

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