
The 36 Year-Old Virgin

Skyler Braeden Fox

30 min. Directed by Skyler Braedon Fox
Sklyer Braeden Fox 36 year old virgin

A sweet coming-of-middle-age sex documentary...

From celibate teenage bible thumper to post-teen lesbian, Skyler, now trans masculine and nearing middle age, feels he missed out on something during his youth. Sex. Not the queer kind he's been having throughout his 20's and 30's. Something a bit more....standard shall we say?

Skyler reaches out to his community, who share their own stories of various sexual “firsts” and offer their insight in heart-warming and humorous bedside conversations.

On the big day, he brings friend Sadie Lune along to literally hold his hand and be his sex doula while things start to heat up with Bishop Black. But how will Skyler's long-standing fantasy of penetrative sex with a cis man turn out and will losing his “virginity” be everything Skyler expected it would be?

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