

Patrick Catuz

30 min. Directed by Patrick Catuz
  • Studio: Patrick Catuz
  • Directed By: Patrick Catuz
  • Year: 2022
  • Runtime: 30 min.
  • Country: Austria
  • Languages: German language
  • Captions: English captions, German captions
  • Date Added: 2023/05/15
  • Performers: Sara, Silk


We reach people through the mind, but also through the body. This is exactly where Sara comes in with her bodywork and helps people to release their sensuality with a mixture of coaching and massage, psychology and tantra.

Bodywork is a kind of sex work that is more socially acceptable, even though it is even difficult to call it that way within the bodywork scene. Bodyworker Sara is a queer woman who initially also worked with straight men, but stopped, because she didn't like their behavior, so now she is restricting her services to the community. The client is played by Silk, a trans person and friend of Sara.