
Centurians of Rome

BIJOU Gay Classics

83 min. Directed by John Christopher

One of the most expensive gay porn films ever made, having been financed by a 1980 Brink's truck theft of almost two million dollars, this ambitious gay porn blockbuster of epic production centers around two Roman countrymen (George Payne and Scorpio) sold into slavery for not paying their taxes. Payne is purchased by the Emperor (Michael Flent, putting in a brilliantly campy performance) and trained by super hung Argus (Ed Wiley aka Myles Longue), while Scorpio is claimed by a sadistic commander (Eric Ryan), but the two men seek their freedom and a chance to reunite.

A huge cast of luscious men sprawl across the screen in realistic costumes in this elaborate, sexy, action-packed classic! With dungeon encounters, whipping, orgies, and a passionate fight for freedom and man-love, this film is strong on production values and is both campy fun and very hot!

"If you simply fast forward to the sex scenes, you'll be missing much of the effect. In other words, view the film as you would a soft-core flick and you will be pleasantly surprised." -- Gay Chicago, Issue #25

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