

Insatiable Pictures

Date Added: 2024/08/30
Directed by Torri Lisek
Runtime: 8 min.
Country: Germany
Language: English

Laura Ropes and Natalia Quimera really want to have good sex but things just aren’t working. They start experimenting with different activities and positions, trying to see if they can salvage the moment.

Curator's Note: Colloquy is a beautiful example of the use of ongoing verbal communication during sex, as shown between Natalia and Laura. It's also a fantastic demonstration of how incorporating toys (like vibrators and anal plugs) as part of intimate encounter, as well as BDSM gear (such as blindfolds, light bondage, and nipple clamps), can be incorporated to heighten physical and emotional elements, increasing trust and connection during sex.

Production Date: 8/17/2024
T. Lischka
Nassauische Strasse 45, Berlin 10717


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