Hanna Schaich

13 min. Directed by Hanna Schaich

Anyone who suspects a zeitgeist-inherent statement on identity politics behind the imperative of the title thinks too small. You will be overrun by a declaration of force of what is (primeval) female, which is clinking with strength.

Hanna Schaich's piece is, typical for her, rooted in the autobiographical. She radically raises her voice and gets others who are angry to join her own anger. Together they show how sex can be felt with all senses, naturally with body and mind. All scenes are carried by poetry that sounds like the threat of a new world order, accompanied by metallic-raw music.

Yelled at as a spectators we are asked to explore thought rooms and possibilities of different futures. What if in supposedly individually experienced mental and physical wounds lies the collective energy for resistance?

What if we squirt, dance, eat, whip away a society cramped in shame and norms? Or even abolish it?

What if the anger of all fighters, who live in existing and past patriarchal structures, who had to endure them, who suffered from them or have come to death by them, what if that anger became an overwhelming, transforming energy turning us into freed, unadjusted and loud people, ready for a positive change? Then we fight for uncompromised being. For love freed from shame. For life as it could be. Alive origiastically.

Fasten your seat belts on this horny ride through Wild-Wild-Witch-Clity-City. And: CUM AS YOU ARE.