
GMHC Safer Sex Shorts: Current Flow


5 min. Directed by Gregg Bordowitz, Jean Carlomusto

A woman (Annie Sprinkle) masturbates with a plug-in vibrator, interrupted by her lover (Joy Brown). The two embrace and engage in sex using dental dams, gloves, and condom-covered dildos. Text on the screen provides information and instruction on the use of barriers.

"The recognition of lesbian sexuality, as well as the Center for Disease Control's persistent refusal to include data on woman-to-woman transmission of HIV, were the primary motivations in creating the lesbian safer sex video, Current Flow. Lesbian-indentified sex-positive imagery is scarce. While there are hundreds of porn tapes for gay men, there are few created for lesbians. Our goal was to show some ways lesbians could have safer sex acts."
- Jean Carlomusto and Greg Bordowitz for OUTWEEK, 1989

Thank you to GMHC, and to the New York Public Library and K.A. Johnson for digital mastering and reproduction.

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