
Eryn’s Spontaneous Caning

Dreams of Spanking

36 min. Directed by Pandora Blake

The release of our most ambitious project yet (Queueing for the Cane) brought with it a whole lot of hard work from a huge number of people - and one of them was Eryn Rose. They were a key part of our filming crew, and watching all those gorgeous canings left them a little jealous. When’s it their turn, hmm? This spontaneous content-share was dreamed up entirely by Eryn themselves, and made a charming interlude to the very focused work we were doing on Queueing for the Cane. It’s a gorgeously slow, candid film, more like a peek into the performer’s real lives than a produced porn showpiece.

Blake and Nimue take turns warming up Eryn’s beautiful backside with a very thorough OTK hand spanking, before fetching a pair of leather paddles and teaming up for alternate strokes. Lucky Eryn even gets a bonus beating from another member of the crew who hasn’t had a chance to paddle someone before, which goes down beautifully!

Of course, what this was all building up to is the caning itself - and what a caning it is. By the end, Eryn’s bottom is striped with a gorgeous set of raised red welts, and they’re feeling thoroughly satisfied with how the night has gone. All in time to film more school canings the day after - what more could a spanking fan ask for?

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