
Fire on the Mountain: Male Genital Massage

Joseph Kramer Productions

25 min. Directed by Joseph Kramer

"The difference between a hand job and this erotic massage is the difference between banging on a piano or playing Mozart."

Learn the joys of giving and receiving a genital massage that often leads to a spiritual and transformative full-bodied orgasm. You will learn up to thirty amazing ways to pleasure a penis. Each stroke, each caress offers astonishing pleasures.

Fire on the Mountain–Male Genital Massage offers step-by-step instruction in giving a cock massage. Joseph Kramer, the creator of this massage, says, “In my thirty-five years of teaching, my most profound experiences have involved a form of erotic bodywork called Taoist Erotic Massage. This massage often takes the receiver into a state of sustained sexual arousal. The rhythmic breathing and genital stimulation of a Taoist Erotic Massage activate altered states of consciousness that some call the LSD of sex education. I have witnessed thousands of individuals access and benefit from these astonishing states. By practicing along with this film, you and your partner can experience these same astonishing states.”

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