
First Contact

Dreams of Spanking

14 min. Directed by Pandora Blake

First contact is a special moment for any spacefarer: the sort of thing that you’re lucky to experience even once in a career. For Lieutenant Dink it’s another kind of first, too - because it turns out that on this planet, the traditional way to greet a new friend is with a firm spanking straight on the bare.

They’re wary at first. They’ve never been spanked before, and human sensibilities don’t usually run to exposing yourself to a stranger within minutes of meeting for the first time. But this is First Contact, after all: refusal would be the height of rudeness, and nobody wants a diplomatic incident on their hands (or their paws, claws or tentacles, depending). So it’s over the Greeting Bench they go, with the skirt of their red Comms uniform up about their waist.

It’s not long before Dink learns something they hadn’t bargained on - that the traditional greeting of Scarlot’s people feels amazing. This isn’t merely a diplomatic enterprise any more; it’s become a voyage of self-discovery, too.

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