
Ink is My Blood (XConfessions 14)

Erika Lust Films

24 min. Directed by Erika Lust
  • Studio: Erika Lust Films
  • Directed By: Erika Lust
  • Year: 2018
  • Runtime: 24 min.
  • Country: Spain
  • Languages: English language
  • Captions: English captions, French captions, German captions, Spanish captions
  • Date Added: 2024/04/07
  • Performers: Moth, Rust

'Ink Is My Blood' is Erika Lust's first movie working with animation. She collaborated with the queen of erotic illustrations, Apollonia Saintclair, who contributed her work. Together they created an ode to love and art where reality and eternity coalesce into black ink. Real life couple and performers Moth and Rust impersonate the ever loving couple wishing to become one in their love and passion for each other.

The grace and art of love transposed into erotica
Inspired by the infamous erotic drawings by the mysterious Apollonia St Clair, Erika Lust directs this film of a real couple exploring artistry and eroticism. Apollonia's artworks are known for their fearless exploration of female desire, in a black and white, almost film-noir style that makes them completely unique. Lust delicately captures this in droplets of milk on Moth's breasts, or the eyes of Rust slowly rolling back in his head. Adult cinema becomes pure art in the XConfessions film Ink is My Blood.

XConfession: My love was sent to me through time and space. He was bound to lay beside me before he breathed his first breath. Our love transcends ordinary reality and drags me to the deepest depths of profound intimacy. There is no present, no past, no future. There are our two bodies that upon uniting become not just flesh and blood but paper and ink, silk and feather, light and darkness. Never before have I see the grace and art of our love transposed into erotica, but I know that love, intimacy, raw passion and tenderness, pleasure and orgasm, all exist beyond the physical. I wish we could become ink ourselves, existing for all eternity within the pages of a book, immortal in our passion.

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