Lilith Rising is dedicated, a tribute, and in memory of all of the loved ones we lost along the way at the hands of the patriarchy. All of the witches, the women, the mothers, the sex workers, the queers, and all of the outcasts who fought (and are still fighting) for the rights we have today, and to change this broken system. They will never be forgotten, as we feel their flames burning ever so brightly again, and remind the fuckers of our collective strength... our unwavering resilience, and that we can no longer be silenced as we rise up.
a Maria Beatty film
2024, Color
Duration: 1hr. 14mins
Directed by
Maria Beatty
Co-Written by
Surgeon aka Domina Mx Natasha Erotica • Maria Beatty
Produced by
Maria Beatty
Co-Produced by
SZKMD Production
Rà Valentina Nikolaidis • Astral Lilith
Surgeon aka Domina Mx Natasha Erotica • Earth Lilith
Martesaroja • Jezebelrebel
Juliana Piccillo • Crone
Ruby Star • Crone
Athena Minerva • Owl
Jessie Sparkles • Sacrifice
Vera • Trans Snake
Sound Design
Daniel Maszkowicz
Additional Sound Design/Vocals
Spoken Word
Lydia Lunch
Spoken Word Text
Rà Valentina Nikolaidis
Jessie Sparkles • Maria Beatty
Maria Beatty
Assistant Editor
Rà Valentina Nikolaidis
Hair & Makeup Artist
Costume Designer
Rà Valentina Nikolaidis
Lighting Design
Dante Celeiro • Fluxx Productions
Assistant Lighting Design
Rachel Marie Castillo
Set Design
Laura Eliason • Victor Valencia
Still Photography
Rachel Marie Castillo • Emily Gray
Production Assistant
Domina Vontana
Location provided by
Emily Grace Gray-Wollard and Olivier Dubois-Cherrier
The Island in Tucson
Splinter Collective Tucson
Tucson, Arizona
Filmed in Tucson, Arizona 2019
Copyright Maria Beatty 2024
All rights reserved