
NARCISSISM – The Auto-Erotic Images.

melting point images

90 min. Directed by Toni Karat

How do we look into the mirror?
Do we allow ourselves a narcissistic or even covetous view?
And how is it influenced by our gender and socialization: Are we able to love ourselves and our reflection?
And why do lesbians often have an especially difficult relationship with narcissism?

In NARCISSISM – The Auto-Erotic Images, a multi award-winning documentary, Toni Karat invited more than 30 border-crossers of all kinds to an attic of 1929 for a flirt – or a confrontation (!) - with their mirror image …
The result is an intimate and subtle work in every respect: very diverse protagonists and many well-known faces from the alternative feminist porn scene (not only from Berlin) share their thoughts and feelings about gender, narcissism, self-love!
Accompanying the film, the photo book of the same name has been published with texts and 135 photos of the protagonists.

Best Documentary Film Winner at the Pornfilmfestival Berlin 2022 Awards!

"Because it is honest, deep, touching, political, philosophical, sexy and funny, this film presents an entire world of self-love and sexuality, as well as all the doubts that come with it, in a nutshell. Totally independent from any film funding or other official support, and sacrificing many years of their life, filmmaker Toni Karat has encapsulated the entire Pornfilmfestival in just one film!" (Jury: Jürgen Brüning, Manuela Kay, Paulita Pappel, Constanza Godoy, Walter Crasshole, Kiki Petersen)

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