
The Spaces Between

Andre Shakti & Nikki Darling

10 min. Directed by Andre Shakti, Nikki Darling

We're living in a uniquely complex and hostile political time that has left the most marginalized of us fighting for survival as opposed to success. Interracial relationships -- even among queer, feminist, and radical parties -- have become wrought with complexity and tension, especially in the wake of white indifference, fragility, ignorance, and "good intentions". It's all too easy for white folks to claim the label of "ally" whilst remaining disengaged and relying on our POC partners to be both our badges and our shields. POC are left having to weigh the price of love against the experience of navigating a multitude of micro-aggressions, often choosing to stay in these problematic relationships because the alternative -- being alone -- feels much more frightening.

The Spaces Between seeks to illustrate the multi-dimensional struggles that POC partners of white people endure on a regular basis, and present them in a way that both speaks to the adult industry and to those who patronize and consume it.


Quotes from folks who have viewed The Spaces Between at screenings:

The Spaces Between felt like a typical porn movie, but then there was so much to think about. We don’t think of what those actors' lives are like outside of the filming.”

“What even was that first film? I learned so much!”

“I did not expect to see a nuanced conversation about race in a porn screening, but I’m really glad I did. I need to go home and think about this.”

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