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The Summoning: FAERIE


Date Added: 2024/08/04
Directed by Eve X
Runtime: 19 min.
Country: Austrailia
Language: No Dialogue

What dreams will come? The Witch has hungers that need to be fed… and no mortals can satiate their carnal hungers. And will even one spirit be enough? With her Demon Consort Lillith, Eve conjures up a Faerie for their perverted pleasures. As one, they will defile, destroy and devour this flesh; till this Faerie spirit begs for more in a ritual of pain and lust.

Dropping into an authentic ritual space, with deep intentionality – finding the intersection between performativity in a creative context and authenticity of expression and energy. An MFF film where the focus isn’t on the male penetration and orgasm.

Starring Eve X as The Witch, Sai Jaiden Lillith as Her Demon Consort Lillith, and Kellie Panther as The Faerie.

Curator's Note: A highly-stylized erotic art and pornographic music video by an independent Australian band and porn studio. An uninhibited and unashamed intersection of fierce love, intense passion and explicit sexuality; containing all the complexity of real long term committed relationships.

Production Date: 1/17/2024
BoFeWo B.V. Postbus 6002, 6077 St. Odilienberg, Netherlands


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