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If you are a young person looking for information about sex, please go to Scarleteen.com
By continuing, you acknowledge the following: 1) You are 18 YEARS OF AGE or older, as verified. 2) You will not exhibit material from this site to a minor and will carefully ensure that no minor has access to it. 3) The material from this site is acceptable to the average adult according to community standards. 4) Persons who may be offended by such depictions are not authorized and are forbidden to access this site. 5) The material on this site will not be used against the site operator or any other person in any way and will be used only for personal viewing in a private residence. 6) You assume full responsibility for your actions.
Candida Royalle built a multi-faceted career exploring the endless nuances and complexities of erotica, sexual health, and self exploration for women. Wildly revered as "The Godmother of Feminist Porn," created the Femme Productions line in the 1980's to put a woman’s voice to adult movies and give men something they could share with the women in their life. She called the movies “sensually explicit”, and they are less graphic and lacking in the traditional “money shot”, a staple of most adult films and contain story lines, good original music and character development. Her films set a new standard in adult filmmaking and gave rise to the "Porn for Couples" marketing to women and their partners.
Sensuality in Full Bloom...
The wonderful first stirrings of passion and romance are brought alive in the story of the Claytons and their lovely daughters. While Heather blossoms into a young woman, her parents re-discover the passion between themselves as they watch their daughters grow up and leave home.
This sensitive story of budding sexuality was chosen by AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists) for presentation at their Annual National Conference.