
Un Chant D’Amour

Cult Epics

25 min. Directed by Jean Genet

Un Chant D’Amour is a silent film.

Cult Epics is proud to present Jean Genet’s Un Chant D’Amour, the only film made by the French novelist Jean Genet. Visually reminiscent of Jean Cocteau’s Blood of a Poet, Belle et la Bete and Kenneth Anger’s Fireworks. The story, set in a prison with three main characters, a guard and two prisoners, is a voyeuristic, confrontational, poetic masterpiece.

Forbidden in France upon its release, and only available in the US in censored form and through underground distribution, Un Chant D’Amour is now released from its obscurity and is presented in its complete version.

Starring: Lucien Sénémaud, Java, André Reybaz, Coco Le Martiniquais

Praise for Un Chant D’Amour:

"Un chant d’amour (1950) was banned from public exhibition in France upon its initial release, and has won only sporadic screenings since, often in censored form. It is semi-pornographic, featuring full-frontal male nudes playing with their hard-ons, and fetishistic close-ups of sweaty feet, armpits and thighs... Its erotic content is unparalleled even by modern gay porn – which is bleached and robotic."
— Senses of Cinema

"Ahead of its time - undoubtedly. Pornographic in its day - definitely. A landmark in gay cinema - a resounding yes. For in spite of being only twenty-five minutes in length, filmed in black and white and silent throughout, this avant-garde piece is unapologetically GAY.”
— GayCelluloid

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