

Spark Erotic

27 min. Directed by Urvashi

An erotic film about the mountains and magic.

WADE JONES drives up to his camp site, unpacks and starts to set up camp. SAGE is watching him from the woods.

As he continues to set up camp, we see numerous examples of her watching and him sensing something right beyond his perception.

Finally camp is set and Wade turns off his music and sits back to enjoy the solitude. As Sage watches him, she steps forward onto a dry branch and it snaps. He jerks up and as he turns to look, he glimpses something; a flower from Sage’s hair has fallen and he goes to investigate.

As he gets to the place where she was, he notices the broken branch and the flower. Now he’s really curious. He calls out “Anyone here?” He sees a huge tree and steps forward to look behind, where Sage is hiding, but just as he does, the sun flashes through the trees, momentarily blinding him. Squinting, he looks behind the tree, but nothing is there. Confused, Wade heads back to camp, and we see Sage peeking out at him from behind that same tree. He places the flower into a cup and on his camp table.

It is nighttime. We see a vast sky of stars. Wade is laying on his back looking up at them. Eventually, he gets up, yawning, and goes to bed.

While he is asleep, we see her fingers taking the flower from the cup. She sneaks into his tent while he is sleeping. She watches him for a moment, then tickles his cheek with the flower. He stirs, she giggles, and sets the flower beside him before leaving.

Wade wakes up and immediately notices the flower. He picks it up, puzzled and curious where it came from. As he emerges from the tent, he places it in the cup again. Something is going on...

Wade gets about his adventures enjoying nature. All along he has the same sensation that someone is watching... and she is. He puts on his hiking shoes and grabbing his pack, he pauses and then takes the flower with him.


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