Ok, ok so this is long overdue since part 1: HOW I GOT INTO PORNO + A BRIEF HISTORY LESSON IN LESBIAN PORN happened like two years ago. I had taken a hiatus from porn to focus on other things, but here I am again and the story continues…
 It was 2003-2004 and I had moved to the Bay area after college picking up odd jobs, interning at On Our Backs Magazine and other art organizations. Toward the end of the year I landed a young lesbian’s dream job: slinging dildos and education at a local, women’s own, sex toy cooperative. I was bestowed with wonderful knowledge about non-porous butt plugs, lubes for the chemically sensitive, how to talk to strangers about their sex lives and helping people find what porn was best suited for their personal tastes. I would take videos home for research, hand wash Cyberskin floor models that got handled on a daily basis, and learn about the ever expanding universe of human sexuality. In my free time I would still make art, collaborate and volunteer for feminist art organizations.
The Crash Pad - Dylan Ryan & Jo

The Crash Pad – Dylan Ryan & Jo.
Photo by Cody T. Williams

The world can be a funny and magical place sometimes. Call it destiny or divine guidance, but all the pieces seemed to fall into place. It’s at this little sex shop I met founder of Pink & White Productions, Shine Louise Houston. The year was 2005 and she was in the process of producing her first commercially available film, The Crash Pad, which would soon take the world of independent porn by storm. Shine asked me with some help with web development and marketing for her new company and I eagerly jumped at the chance to be a part of such a groundbreaking and hot project. I enlisted friends and colleagues I had met along the way to also be a part of it. After being involved with the Crash Pad and witnessing the quality of Shine’s work, I knew that I wanted more. I immediately signed up as a co-producer when offered the chance investing both my time and money in a company I believed in. Around the same time,  I was also introduced to Courtney Trouble, party promoter and founder of NoFauxxx, who has been making smut since 2002.
CrashPadSeries - Episode 5: Rozen DeBowe & Syd Blakovich

CrashPadSeries – Episode 5: Rozen DeBowe & Syd Blakovich

Despite the cold ass weather, the Bay Area became this virtual, warm, moist incubator for the prolific explosion of what became known as Queer Porn. I think a lot of it has to do with the city’s history of being a refuge and playground for the sexually liberated. Combine this with the Bay’s booming tech industry and historical interest in experimental cinema, it’s no mystery why Queer Porn found it’s home here. This was the perfect cocktail and all the stars aligned in this way that the only place to go was forward. In 2007, after several feature length, award winning, films, we decided to branch out and start our own membership site. Little did we know we were sitting on the cusp of the Great Recession that would literally wipe out 50% of the Valley’s porn studios within a years time. However, Queer Porn became the honey badger of online entertainment and not only did we thrive as a company but made it into the black the first year of the sites launch. People started to notice.
Stay tuned for Part 3… hopefully I will write it before 2015.
-Syd Blakovich
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