Porn Club Sex Education

PinkLabel.TV’s PORN CLUB is like a book club for porn nerds. Each month, the adult film review series offers a selection of titles in an effort to encourage discussion about porn as an indie film genre. Topics span technical aspects of how a movie was made, directorial influences, perceived social or historical impact, and other aspects of interest to the reviewer.

Films have included works by Radley Metzger, also known for his hardcore films under the pseudonym Henry Paris, with three of his earlier titles, CAMILLE 2000 (1969), The Lickerish Quartet (1970), and SCORE (1974). We’ve reviewed Wakefield Poole’s Boys In The Sand, Wakefield Poole’s BIBLE! and Bijou. We’ve covered lesbian made porn of the 80s and 90s by Fatale Media and their films: Suburban Dykes, Safe is Desire, and Private Pleasures. And we’ve focused on the self-made gay porn icon, Peter Berlin, with the films Nights in Black Leather (1973), That Boy (1974), and a more recent documentary featuring interviews with the man himself, THAT MAN (2005).

In our latest edition, we looked to sex ed films created to inform and inspire. Creators span the early 90’s to now:

Then: Deborah Sundahl (G-spot Ejaculation) and Carol Queen (“Pegging”)

Now: Kate Sinclair (Prostate Ejaculation) and Sex School Hub (Kissing)

PornClub seeks to encourage discussions about pornography as an indie film genre, focusing on classic and contemporary titles available to us through our streaming network, PinkLabel.TV. Topics might include technical aspects of how a movie was made, directorial influences, perceived social or historical impact, and other aspects of interest to the reviewer.



Kissing is a very crucial, yet overlooked element in sexual encounters. The Sex School Hub Team shares their experiences and tips about kissing and invite a few friends over for a steamy kissing session to exemplify.



Kissing’s use of bodies and textures used to highlight points is important. Split screens focusing on body language, hands lingering on insertable sex toys, and a crustacean that is curiously shaped like vaginal folds reinforce the physical passion kissing can inspire. If the desire to kiss someone to saturate a situation with wanton lust is the goal, then look no further.
Marcus K. Dowling

You may already know Sex School Hub, the brilliant social media account that’s all about how to have safe, informed and inspired sex. Have you seen their videos? This month for PinkLabel,tv’s PornClub we’ve been watching educational films, such as the classic Bend Over Boyfriend. I picked Sex School Hub’s 12-min video on kissing. Why? Start with the basics, right? Oh and I once dated a guy thinking he didn’t like Frenching… and he thought I didn’t like it. We’d both gotten the idea in our heads, but didn’t talk about it. We just kept kissing. With no tongue. Maybe 6 months in, we discovered that we’d each been making a concession neither wanted to make. What I love about Sex School is that they model how to have conversations about sex. The videos in the series have a playful, informed tone with a bit of cheek. Parker Marx, Sadie Lune, Lina Bembe and Bishop Black kick off the kissing vid by chatting in a classroom-like setting. What do they like about kissing? Is it important to them? How do they kiss? Sadie says the best kisses are like a conversation, something you do together, not to each other. Parker connects her comment to how to communicate physically, in general. It’s a warm, open discussion full of humor—like hanging with your favorite sexy, non-judgie, sex-positive friends. The video ends with a beautiful kissing party that feels like roaming around a dance floor where all the couples and groups are charged with that first kiss fire. And each kiss is unique. Sex School’s mission is to offer honest, unbiased sex education resources, the likes of which are sorely lacking. Sex School’s erotic content proves that good communication doesn’t kill the vibe, it makes the vibe. You won’t be surprised to hear that the guy I was dating…our poor communication around kissing was reflective of our communication in general, which was part of why it didn’t work out. Like kissing, sex is a conversation. Sex School shows how the possibilities for pleasure and exploration expand when, rather than operating on assumptions, you choose to be in dialogue, ie where the good stuff begins.
— Saskia Vogel


Ciel has been walking his sexual path for years, truly exploring every corner of it along the way. He has decided to share with us his experience of squirting as a person with a penis and prostate – and the sex machine that gets him there. GUSH is a short docu-porn showcases his ability and gives him a chance to talk about the incredible paths that he has found thanks to sex positivity, openness, and a willingness to explore.


I’ve known Kate Sinclaire and Ciel, the performer in her film Gush for several years. If I can #PornBrag for moment (it’s totally a thing) I introduced them, so I was pretty excited when I was invited to review Gush for PinkLabel.tv’s PornClub. My partner and I met Ciel about three years ago, when he attended a workshop we were facilitating at a Lifestyle convention here in Canada. We were immediately struck by his warm and open nature. Over the course of the weekend we got to know him better and were really quite honored and moved by his openness and vulnerability as he allowed us to witness this aspect of his sexuality.

Although I count myself a pretty experienced sex educator I had never encountered someone with a penis who could squirt. This wasn’t ejaculate or semen, but something analogous to the fluid that people with vulvas expel from their bodies when they squirt during sexual play.

Ciel expressed an interest in sharing his experience with others, and so we reached out to Kate Sinclaire who we’ve known for several years. We really like and respect Kate, she is a great film maker, a great educator and she’s Canadian. We were excited to connect Ciel and Kate. The rest is history, they met and Kate put together this sweet vignette about this seldom documented sexual phenomena. Knowing Ciel and Kate and the content of the film, it has come as little surprise how well it has been received at various film fests since its debut.

As for the film, while it is short I think it really captures the essence of an intimate experience I’ve been honored to witness in person. There is so much hype about squirting, and it’s portrayal in porn is often so formulaic. I love how Gush queers the narrative by changing the pace and the focus of the viewer. I always appreciate when film makers provide an opportunity for their performers or subjects to reflect on the sexual acts in the film and Kate makes sure to include Ciel’s own words. The film is as much about exploration and the openness to possibilities of self-discovery as it is about squirting. Gush feels more expressive and less performative than other films about squirting. Watch and judge for yourself.

Stephen Biggs


Bend Over Boyfriend

Ever want to learn about anal sex for men? Want great orgasms, renewed intimacy & sexy romance?
In Bend Over Boyfriend, sex educators Carol Queen and Robert Morgan guide you step by step, showing you how to have anal sex and spice up your sex life. Carol and Robert explore role-playing and fantasy, and two other couples demonstrate just how much fun anal sex can be.

Laced with humor and common sense, Bend Over Boyfriend is perfect for any couple wanting to explore new sexual territory and discover the secrets of anal sex that lead to ecstasy.


The term pegging isn’t used once in Bend Over Boyfriend. This is because pegging wouldn’t enter the sexual vernacular for three more years when it was introduced by Seattle’s biweekly newspaper The Stranger “Strange Love” columnist Dan Savage. Dan Savage opened a contest to name the act of a woman having anal sex with a man, and on June 21, 2001, he announced that the winning term was pegging. Interestingly enough, bob was another candidate, which stood for bend over boyfriend, which directly came from this video.

When viewed today, parts of Bend Over Boyfriend seem clunky. However, when watching this video, viewers have to remember, the video is now over 30 years old. The educational aspects of Bend Over Boyfriend feel like they borrowed ideas from the early 1970s white-coaters, except the point of Bend Over Boyfriend is to impart educational material on the viewer, not be a guise to show hardcore material as the old white-coaters did. There are periods when Carol Queen and Robert Morgan Lawrence seem stilted when addressing the viewer.

Shar Rednour was creative when putting together the narrative for Bend Over Boyfriend. In addition to Carol Queen and Robert Morgan Lawrence giving the viewer information on how to have safe and pleasurable anal play, there are two couples shown (Laura Goodhue and Greg Heiman and Cupcake Jones and Troy) who are watching the same video as you the viewer are watching. As the video goes on, the two couples start to explore the type of play that Carol Queen and Robert Morgan Lawrence have been discussing.

Bend Over Boyfriend feels more educationally oriented than entertainment-oriented, which is different than a lot of educational and instructional videos today. As a result, the video can be dry at times. However, viewers have to remember that Bend Over Boyfriend was one of the earliest authentic educational videos on the market and was setting the standard, not trying to improve upon it. When looked at today, Bend Over Boyfriend can come across as preachy; however, for its time, it was groundbreaking.

Flash, AdultDVDTalk


How to Female Ejaculate

Wish you could learn to ejaculate farther? How to Female Ejaculate will inspire and instruct. Deborah Sundahl, author of Female Ejaculation and the G Spot explains the What, Why, and How of female ejaculation. Join Fanny Fatale in discussion and demonstration along with Carol Queen, Baja, and Shannon Bell.

The video that started it all. This classic from 1993 was the very first video ever made on female ejaculation. It is a feminist classic as well, full of vim, vigor and shooting ejaculate! Learn the basics of how to female ejaculate! In this groundbreaking, best selling video, you learn how to find, see and feel the G-spot, tips to test and develop the strength of the pelvic (PC) muscles – which help expel female ejaculate – and the kinds of orgasms that best assist in ejaculating.

Fanny Fatale, Dr. Shannon Bell, Dr. Carol Queen and Baja use G-spot sex toys and techniques to demonstrate astonishing female ejaculations. They discuss its taste, smell and chemical make-up, and share first-time female ejaculation stories.


It’s the 90’s. The hair is big, the shoulder pads bigger. Grunge is all the rage. And apparently so is female ejaculation! Otherwise known as squirting. Presented and hosted by Fanny Fatale (aka Debi Sundahl) creator of on “On Our Backs” magazine and Fatale Media, the producer of this film, and pioneer of female ejaculation education. This 1992 throwback seeks to teach vagina owners more about their anatomy and how to squirt in a positive, no pressure environment. With some discussion, and help from her friends Dr. Shannon Bell, Dr. Carol Queen and Baja we learn to let go of stigma and feel free to release.

“How To Female Ejaculate” begins with a lesson on the vaginal anatomy. With a primer on the scientific names of it’s makeup as well as a visual aid in the form of a medical diagram of the inside of the vagina. Including the G-spot otherwise known as the urethral sponge. This we learn is where the female ejaculate is produced when stimulated.

— VoodooSexMagick

Before I tell you about my experience watching and learning from “How to Female Ejaculate” (1993) directed by and featuring Deborah Sundahl, I want to cover some language that I’ll be using in this post. People with vaginas are not always women and women don’t always have vaginas. I’ve spent enough time with cadavers in anatomy classes to know that every human body is different. Throughout this post about vaginas and the marvel of vaginal ejaculation, I’ll be using the term women with the aforementioned understanding in consideration. For the CisHet men reading this, please note that I won’t be explaining any “hOw To MaKe hEr sQuIrT!” sort of business. This isn’t about you learning some tricks for the bedroom. This is about self-exploration for women who wish to feel what the presenters in this doc felt. (Dudes, I encourage you to read “Whose Orgasm Is It Anyway?”) Alright, still with me and ready to read on? Great!

From the jump, the early ‘90s aesthetic made my heart sing tunes of nostalgia. The hair and clothes were enough to dive all the way into this doc. Even if you weren’t a ‘90s kid, I think everyone should watch this doc. Human bodies are wonderful and there hasn’t been remotely enough research on women’s sexual pleasure response (more on that lack of research later). For all the CisHet men out there who fancy themselves to be “good at sex” take more time to listen, learn, and study instead of back patting yourself. Watch HTFE for the sake of education, not to “learn some tricks”.

Jet Noir

PORN CLUB is an adult film review series presented by PinkLabel.TV. Tune in next month for our next set of reviews, spanning classics to contemporary.

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