
Chance of a Lifetime


41 min. Directed by GMHC
classic1980'ssafer sexedu-pornhardcore fuckingHDNew YorkUnited States
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classic1980'ssafer sex
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edu-pornhardcore fuckingHDNew YorkUnited States
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Chance of a Lifetime depicts three realistic social and sexual scenarios in which safer sex is discussed and practiced by gay men. The film presents a variety of sexual possibilities and preferences, from intimacy between two lovers to group sex, and encourages viewers to identify and practice sexual behavior to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Special guest appearance include Casey Donovan and Marc Stevens.

"GMHC’s controversial 1985 video is an erotic celebration of safer sex through condom use and sensual ploys like “shrimping” (toe sucking), injecting playful tenderness back into sexual exchange." ~ Variety

Watch the music video Grey Hideaway here.

Thank you to GMHC, and to the New York Public Library and K.A. Johnson for digital mastering and reproduction.

Playlist: Boygasms: masculine sex appeal

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