
FUDLIAKS! Tear the sexes apart!


13 min. Directed by Jasmin Hagendorfer

This hyper-intersectional film is an amalgam of sci-fi creature-flick, campy music video, grotesque comedy, agitprop flick against heterocentric research as well as (soft-)pornographic subversive statement. The German title "FUDLIAKS! Zerfetzt die Geschlechter!" is set in an undefined present, in a mysterious laboratory: the Institute for Gender Normalization. The research subject of this neo-conservative think tank: the scientific underpinnings of conventional heteronormative bodies and biologically binary genders. But a new research series turns all that on its head!

Director Statement
My film was made out of a feeling of despair and anger. It was made in a time of a pandemic, when the whole world had to lock itself up at home and there was no contact with friends and family. At a time when a lot of discourse and exchange was shifting to the web.e At that time I was very much concerned with the under-representation of queer people, queer desire, queer bodies, both in medical contexts and in research and in our society. And then in the pandemic, when a lot of hate speech appeared on the net that was clearly anti-queer, anti-feminist in a vehement way, I decided to make this film. The quotes you hear "chromosomes don't roll dice" etc are all real quotes from the net. And I wanted to counter all this - not in 280 characters directly on Twitter or endless weird facebook mudslinging - I'm making film! Because queer visibility is important and a way to confront hatred and attacks.


Playlist: Best of San Francisco PornFilmFestival

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