
GODASSES – Part III: Jamal Phoenix

Emre Busse

8 min. Directed by Emre Busse

For the final installment in his GODASSES trilogy, Emre Busse conspires with trans porn talent Jamal Phoenix to redefine the desirable body outside of a hegemonic society’s normative restrictions and, because of the specific relationship that pornographic images have to their audience, fuck with a viewer’s assumed self-assurance as being a coherent sexual subject.

Porn’s specificity as a particular genre of representation lies in its almost visceral appeal to the spectator’s body as it elicits immediate somatic response; Richard Dyer speaks of pornography’s ability to “move” the body. The spectator suddenly feels their body, which manifests itself as something distinct over which we do not have full control. Pornography is not recognized by our intellect alone but, at least partly, perceived through bodily or emotional responses.

Thus, even the bodies of spectators that do not identify as gay might be moved upon encountering the scopophilic richness of Jamal Phoenix’ FTM body in action with other men: the body might move in ways that the mind did not anticipate. As a result of this disordering, or the apparent dissonance between mind and body that one possibly experiences, the genitals ultimately take off from binary sexed bodies and are merely immersed in a collective pursuit oriented towards the intensification of pleasure.

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