
Hole Punch


13 min. Directed by Mahx Capacity

Curator's Note:

Whenever AORTA Films and ColorBlock films come together in collaboration it's a queer porn synergy of rough sex, hot queers, and chemistry that drips off the screen.


Leatherboy Beau Flex takes everything Robin Astera has to give.

Hole and punch might seem like two words that only belong together in an office, but Robin Astera (they/them) is here to teach leatherboy Beau Flex (they/them) how delicious they can be when combined. Can Beau be on their best behavior and get punched right where they need it most? See if Robin Astera approves of Beau's behavior in this BIPOC-only, T4T leather sex scene.

Performers: Robin Astera & Beau Flex
Co-Producers: AORTA films & ColorBlock Films
Director: Mahx Capacity
DP: Oran Julius
Editor: Oran Julius
Colorist: James Tate
Music: Rrrrrose Azerty & Almusic34
Conceived by: Robin Astera & Beau Flex

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