
Sluts and Goddesses

Annie Sprinkle

50 min. Directed by Annie Sprinkle, Maria Beatty

Curator's Note:

Director's Disclaimer: These films were made between the years 1985 and 1998. Much of the language and cultural understanding that is now commonplace did not exist or was not widely known at the time. As such, some of these films incorporate terms or images that are culturally appropriative and/or outdated. We have chosen to present these films, preserved in their original form, as an historical document of the times in which they were made. - Annie Sprinkle


Feminist porn icon Annie Sprinkle's Sluts and Goddesses: How To Be A Sex Goddess in 101 Easy Steps is an early-90's sex-positive classic -- a humorous, absurd, heartfelt and worshipful look at SEX, featuring many erotic ways to stimulate sexual and sensual pleasure. And you will witness Annie's epic five-minute-long orgasm!

Directed by Annie Sprinkle and Maria Beatty
Sound score by Pauline Oliveros
Released in 1991

Playlist: Ceci N’est Pas Une Porn: experimental and alternative adult films

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