
The Cannoli Brothers

Buttermilk Films

3 min. Directed by Ethan Folk, Ty Wardwell

They may not be real brothers, but their cannoli are anything but fake.

A Buttermilk Films Production
Written and Directed by Ethan Folk and Ty Wardwell

JorgeTheObscene - Harry Cannoli
Rafael Medina - Larry Cannoli
Martin Hansen - Marty the Pitch Guy
Hanna Schaich - Line Producer

Thanks to: Antiffa Vänsterfitta, Henry Hanson, Jiz Lee, Nadja Krüger, Giulio, Smegma Bishop, Allmost Studios

Medienwerkstatt im Kulturwerk des bbk berlin
Aprons by Woo Yeah! and Jasper
Music by Nicolas_T

Playlist: Short Porn Films

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