Join us for Satyrs & Maenads: The Athens Porn Film Festival presenting over 90 films, arranged in 12 programs — including a guest curation by the Vienna Porn Film Festival, streaming for 72 hours to a global audience Friday, November 20th through Sunday 22nd, 2020.
“Satyrs and Maenads”, the first porn film festival in Athens comes during the second lockdown with the slogan: “Stay Home, Stay Safe, Masturbate!”
Responding to health concerns related to COVID-19, Pink and White Productions created an online film festival livestream platform powered by to address the needs of an international adult festival community whose events have been postponed due to physical theater closures and restrictions. The goal is to allow the community to ‘keep going’ and continue (safely online) despite the cancellation of in-person events and restrictions or closures of venues. We are proud to host our Greek friends and look forward to the day we can all be together again in the theater, but in the meantime, please stay safe and enjoy the films!
The Athens Porn Film Festival aims to appeal to audiences who are looking for films outside of commercial porn. Curators will present over 90 selected films within a dozen curated programs. Here’s the official line up:
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(W/HOLE) (Aorta Films) preceded by Welcome to Athens (Menelas)
ERASTES SHORTS (Heteroflexible)
Adorn (Jennifer Lyon Bell), Be Brief (Werther Germondari), Linger (Ms Naughty), Warm (Matock), Cheap Hookers (Rosario Gallardo), Trinity (Ms Naughty), Ouroboros (Dwam Ipomée), Gush (Kate Sinclaire), La Cuisine (Carmina)
The Melita Show The Movie (Menelas), Happy Hour (Werther Germondari), Sexplorer (Diego Tigroto), The Pizza Topping (Ethan Folk and Ty Wardwell), Intoxicate Yourself (Theo Meow), Camera and I (Shine Louise Houston), In Crimson (Torri Lisek), Scrotalus (Werther Germondari), Coming Clean (Ila Afterglow), Progressive Touch (Michael Portnoy), Brunch on Bikes (Ethan Folk and Ty Wardwell), Criolo – Etérea (video) Tino Monetti, Roby Nude (Werther Germondari), Piedad (Naya Pascual), Hunger (Kangela Tromokratch)
Sex Workers Opera (Many Valcare), Scattered Thoughts of a Young Sexworker (Menelas), A Sex Worker’s Story (Thousand Faces), Goddess Ckiara’s Temple (Ckiara Rose, Daemon Derriere)
LYSISTRATA SHORTS (Female Sexuality)
Sunlight (Thousand Faces), Love Your Cunt (altSHIFT), Tidal (Dwam Ipomée), In My Chamber (Blanca ReyGal), Romy & Laure and the Secret of the Moveable Man (Romy Alizée & Laure Giappiconi), Hydra (Four Chambers), Ritual Waves (Lina Bembe), Dank Domination (Daemon Derriere, Dom Razberry), Veux Moi (Biche de Ville)
So Quiet: The Performativity of a Pussy (Maria Cyber), Tribute (Max Disgrace), The Kettle (Dwam Ipomée), FagDyke Cruising (Toni Karat), Enough (Kate Sinclaire), Guacamole (Carmina), Crystal Clear (Max Disgrace), Doll Parts (Four Chambers), The Ad (Carré Rose Films & Vespéral), Luminous Lust (Erotic Film School)
RubiX (Rubis Collective), You (Stiofan O’Ceallaigh), Robert + Dylan (Dylan Meade), WRONG KIND OF FAT: SOME BEAR OVER THE PAIN-BOW (Lee Campbell), The Multiverse in a MouthFuck (Jorge the Obscene), Breakfast in Bed (Ethan Folk and Ty Wardwell), LEMON TASTE (Nicky Miller), Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Dylan Meade)
Baby (Evie Snax), Dear Babe (Ethan Folk and Ty Wardwell), Pain Dulce (Ramses Rodstein), Archetype (Four Chambers), Chemo Darkroom (Harvey Rabbit), Il Trasloco XXX (Werther Germondari, Maria Laura Spagnoli), Sneaker Sluts! (Chelsea Poe), Uiara (Scumtrust Productions), The Cave (Anosia), Refractory (Cammy Leone)
PHILOCTETES SHORTS (Disability Visibility)
Non e amore questo (Teresa Sala), Robert + Dylan (Dylan Meade)
PHILOXENIA SHORTS (Porn Film Festival Vienna Guest Curation)
HYSTERIA (Gerald Zahn), Poof Paradise (Berivan Sayici & Florian Aschka), SUPERUNKNOWN (Angela Christlieb), The Great Masturbatress (Alexandra Zaitseva), A WHOLE (Maggie Fitz), Origin of Electricity (Andreas Friedl), Water me (Romina Achatz), The Things (I Did) (Pablo Trujillo)
Fuck the Fascism (Maria Basura), Gynecologia Autodefensa (Julia Ostertag), NO DEMOCRACY HERE (Liad Hussein Kantorowicz), Criolo – Etérea (Doc), (Tino Monetti, Pedro Inoue), The Sewers of Heterosexuality Marianne Chargois
Faithful Dogs (Von Ferro), Bacchanalia (Doxytocine), Gender Beast (Turita Q & Eris), Shattered (Salty Cherie), Walking A Fine Line (Meti Oker), You Were Warned (Torri Lisek), A Bondage Landscape (DjPan Koumpare), Bonds (Marileo Horse), Subliminal Anatomy of a Latex Coat (Merve Tuna), Flower Market (My Baby all Gone), Lamento della ninfa (Matock)
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Three Festival Awards (designed by the artist Zacharias Petrakis) for “International Short Fiction”, International Short Factual”, and “Greek Short” will be awarded by three-member juries for each category. Members of the jury are Panagiotis Evangelidis, Chara Kolaiti (Anna Goula), George Efthimiou, Vassilis Noulas, Zacharas Mavroidis, Zoe Manta and the organizing team of the Porn Film Festival Vienna.
An international festival, the official languages include English and Greek. Films are primarily available in English and with English and Greek subtitles. Language and captions are noted in the program.
The Festival streams to a global audience on demand for 72 hours, from November 20th through November 22nd, Eastern Europe Time. The ticket is approximately €10 and gains full access.
25% of the ticket proceeds will go to court costs for Zak/Zackie Oh’s family. (Beloved activist Zak Kostopoulos (who also appeared as drag performer Zackie Oh), was brutally assassinated in Athens, followed by an unprecedented operation of cover-up and misinformation. The community is raising funds for the legal fees of the family.)
Ticket sales end November 19th at 11:45pm EET, so don’t delay and buy your festival passes ASAP.
Featured image credit: Welcome to Athens