
Gone – A Story of Love and Courage


33 min. Directed by Angie Rowntree

Gone, the latest film from Sssh director Angie Rowntree, takes us inside the world of Rebecca and Todd, a couple deeply in love, but sadly destined to part. The film is a portrait not merely of Rebecca and Todd’s sex life, but the passion, trust and depth of commitment by which sex is transformed beyond the simple expression of desire and into something far more fundamental and affirming.

"...a moving and affecting erotic musing on the role sex plays in grief and loss."
- Bacchus, ErosBlog

"Gone is a must-see for anyone who wants to see more in their porn: more connection, more emotion, more thought, and more care."
- Jen McEwen and Jesse Adams, MiKandi couples review

Playlist: Vixens and Visionaries: Highlights from the Toronto Feminist Porn Awards

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