
Sensual Escape

Candida Royalle

75 min. Directed by Candida Royalle, Gloria Leonard

Curator's Note:

Candida Royalle built a multi-faceted career exploring the endless nuances and complexities of erotica, sexual health, and self exploration for women. Wildly revered as "The Godmother of Feminist Porn," created the Femme Productions line in the 1980's to put a woman’s voice to adult movies and give men something they could share with the women in their life. She called the movies “sensually explicit”, and they are less graphic and lacking in the traditional “money shot”, a staple of most adult films and contain story lines, good original music and character development. Her films set a new standard in adult filmmaking and gave rise to the "Porn for Couples" marketing to women and their partners.


An Erotic Journey into the Senses!

FORTUNE SMILES: Media superstar Gloria Leonard takes us on a touchingly funny walk through the minds of two people who have been dating and are about to take the leap into bed. Watch the sparks fly with the debut return to films by award winning actor Richard Pacheco in a hot pairing off with superstar Nina Hartley.

THE TUNNEL: Beautiful surreal imagery highlights this mini-drama directed by Candida Royalle. A young artist’s recurring erotic dream leads her to an encounter with a mysterious man who helps her discover her long hidden and explosive passion.

This two-story collection stars Nina Hartley, Siobhan Hunter, Gloria Leonard, Richard Pacheco, and Steve Lockwood. Fans will delight to see Candida, Veronica Hart, and Annie Sprinkle as extras.


Playlist: Vixens and Visionaries: Highlights from the Toronto Feminist Porn Awards

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