

Max Disgrace

16 min. Directed by Max Disgrace

Curator's Note:

Director's Statement: Our film was conceived over a brunch with filmmaker friends during the 2019 Porn Film Festival Berlin, an annual international celebration of queer and fringe porn. Being there enabled me the chance to work with a majority trans and queer, POC cast and crew who are usually scattered between New York, Berlin and London. I was particularly keen on working with cinematographer Lanee Bird and producer Allie Oops. It was a whirlwind production with only 4 days pre-production scheduled in between festival screenings and events.

Ruptured stars Lina Bembe and Ze Royale - both performers who have been part of the Berlin queer porn scene. I’d witnessed their smouldering chemistry before in Eric Pussyboy’s short Neurosex 3 and wanted to cast them together in one of my films. Working as a director in queer porn versus non-porn productions feels much more horizontal, instead of hierarchical. Once the explicit scene begins you can’t interrupt to change the creative direction of what’s unfolding (this would literally kill the vibe, and the scene). You have to be ready to hand over the creative control to the performers and cinematographer for what might be the only take of the whole scene - which could be a pretty long duration! Without this possibility of creative steering between beats/main actions, your casting needs to be very attuned to the chemistry between performers, and to how their erotic imaginations and fantasies match the film’s vision, so it pays off to be a professional perv!


After a night out erotic hallucinations haunt Lina as her world starts to morph, and a mysterious latex-gloved, masked figure joins her in a wet and slimy power play of pleasure.

Ruptured re-envisions erotically charged moments from mainstream horror through a queer pornographic lens. Centering queer sexuality, and POC female and non-binary characters, the film subverts what would usually remain hidden, absent or cast as deviant within the genre.

Playlist: Best of San Francisco PornFilmFestival

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