A shortened version of this guide appears in Trans Bodies, Trans Selves (2nd edition) . Publishing often requires extensive editing, and these artists had a LOT of great information to share. This extended version has been published with permission by the editors and Sexuality Chapter co-author Jiz Lee. Quotes were originally compiled in 2018 and printed as excerpts in the new edition in 2022. While some industry advice is evergreen and stands the test of time, websites and promotional strategies may have changed in the years after this information was originally collected. Quotes have been edited for length, clarity and context. As always, please use your best judgement as you explore pornography — whether as a viewer or creator! We hope these pearls of wisdom help you find — or make — the porn you wish to see.
Our Bodies, Our Porn: A Trans-Positive Guide to Adult Films
Trans performers and producers come together to present a resource of erotic and explicit materials that reflect a broad array of trans, gender expansive, and non-binary desires — while supporting sex workers who gain financial stability and life-affirming benefits through adult film production.
Why trans-made porn?
Tobi Hill-Meyer: We don’t often get to see other trans people’s bodies and it’s easy to compare yourself to an impossible standard or imagine the only way to look good is to look cis. We all have things about our bodies that make us feel terrible, but sometimes it’s easier to see someone else with the same hips, brow, jawline, or shoulders, and realize that they are beautiful — and if they can be beautiful, maybe you are too.
Eddie Wood: Doing porn helped me become so much more comfortable with my body. It opened up my mind to having sex (and romance!) with other trans people, and cis men. Without porn, I may have never bottomed or had sex with a trans woman or cis guy. Seeing trans bodies making love affirms to me that I am worthy of love, acceptance and pleasure. Sex is healthy, fun and powerful — trans people deserve to participate!
Venus Lux: Porn has helped me find security in my queerness and given me a newfound confidence in myself, my body, and expression of who I am. Through porn I was able to learn how to navigate consent, respecting one another leaving shaming behind, and be empowered by the work I do. To be trans is to be courageous.
How does one find trans porn?
Q: I am a big fan of asking friends or in online groups or forums that you’re a part of. Due to the sheer volume of non-representative sexual media, almost any term you might start searching with will lead to mainstream sexual media.
Ex Libris: Find a few good porn blogs written by people who have similar tastes as you. Bloggers and enthusiasts comb the Internet reviewing and recommending media, and when you purchase the porn linked on their blog, they often get a commission for their labor. Tags people use for porn with trans women tend to be slurs which do not bear repeating, and also typically lead to tube sites that offer little to no money for performers’ work. If you find a porn star you really like, hit them up on Twitter or another platform and ask them what porn they like best or if they have any other titles they would recommend. You’d be surprised how often you will get a fast and thoughtful response.
Rooster Xray: The best way to find media that represents us is through queer and trans-specific film screenings and festivals.
Mahx Capacity: Going in-person to porn film festivals has been an eye-opening experience. I couldn’t have predicted how affirming and exciting it would be to meet other folks in the community: performers, producers, audiences, etc. It’s great to see what folks are making and hear what they’re excited about! It’s also a great way to see lots of films from a bunch of performers and producers you don’t yet know, and then follow up on what speaks to you.
As for searching online, sites like PinkLabel.TV have the same vibe as film festivals. You can see a lot of different makers sharing space, each with their own focus and aesthetic. On a more DIY level, Instagram is currently where AORTA Films connects with other indie makers. (Though you never know when we’ll get kicked off and lose our account, ugh.) We follow hashtags like #EthicalPorn and #QueerPorn. I think a misconception (one that AORTA certainly had when we were starting) is that there isn’t that much queer porn out there (because it can sometimes be harder to find compared to the immense amount of straight porn in existence) but that’s not true. There are so many brilliant people making amazing, interesting work! This community is immensely open and kind. Don’t be afraid to say hi, ask for recommendations, and connect with creators!
Venus Lux: I recommend trans folks find porn seeking performers who look like or have sex like they do to use terms such as: TS fucking TS , FTM and MTF , TS fucking guy or girl , guy/girl fucking TS . Another suggestion is to search for production companies that produce the porn that you desire. Trans porn is a growing genre that still has plenty of room to expanding sub genres/sub niches.
Papí Coxxx: Using ONLY the word/identifier trans may not result in including any trans person whom society does not see as trans. I believe the use of feminist , queer, and sex positive broadens the search for trans women/femme, trans lesbians, trans fags, gender fuckers, and all trans no/op, pre-op, and post-op folks.
Courtney Trouble : I like the search terms “trans lesbian,” “trans BDSM,” and “queer porn.” If you have a specific interest in stuff like fisting, muffing, oral, anal, etc, tag it on to the end as well. “BBW” is a term used for plus size models somewhat unfortunately, as it stands for “Big Beautiful Woman” and doesn’t leave nuance for gender fluidity, so consider searching “chubby” “fat” and “plus size” for the best in fat porn.
Eddie Wood: Google is great, but I always recommend looking for free porn on Bing Video. As a creator, I encourage people to buy porn, but as a trans person I know that money can be tight, and I would rather trans people watch free trans porn than nothing at all! Search terms I use to find porn with people who like like and have sex like me are: FTM, trans guy, squirting, and big clit.
Devon Wipp: I’d highly encourage folks to invest in subscription sites, because paid sites are verified places to ensure viewer payments benefit production companies and performers who use affiliate links, rather than free clip sites. As for searching online, I’d discourage viewers from using slurs like s*emale , tr*nny , and man with a p*ssy or simplified terms like MTF /FTM . Although there are a lot of great self-uploaded vids under those tags more often than not when you search using simple language most of the content posted is being uploaded by non-trans people who can be pretty triggering for dysphoria. While there are trans populations who lean into those terms as a sense of empowerment, for me it’s a red flag as it often doesn’t result in trans performers making money, so I prefer to use more nuanced terms like transgender woman , genderqueer , queer trans man or feminist porn .
Luna Loveless: In my opinion, the only place that healthy trans* porn can be found is produced by the people it represents: us. To find the most ‘creative’ or specialized porn, look to what the models are producing themselves. I have great admiration for performers’ ability to weave fantastic storylines and sensual content, and often that comes from their own self-understanding and desires.
Tobi Hill-Meyer: The best thing you can do is look for trans people creating porn themselves. Unfortunately, there’s not many folks with a long list of credits behind their names, but there’s a ton of folks doing cam work, creating clips, selling premium snapchat memberships, and just surviving — and bringing a trans-positive flavor to the work they do. Many don’t even have websites but can be found on the less-censored social media sites. There’s not necessarily a search term to distinguish this group from trans porn in general, but once you find someone who you appreciate, see who they are following and working with.
Viktor Belmont: Check out specific performers and follow their accounts on social media. There are now a bunch of options when it comes to content sharing and production! From OnlyFans to ManyVids, subscription sites open a whole new door to porn production with the talent in control of the media they choose to share. That means that you’re directly supporting a trans performer financially and seeing videos that they’ve made with partners they’re excited to shoot with. This also adds a very real element of chemistry which can feel more organic to watch.
What if you want to make it yourself?
Viktor Belmont : You must ask yourself a few things. Are you okay with your co-workers seeing your porn? How about your mother? Your sibling? Your ex? If you feel comfortable with the outcome of anyone and everyone finding out you do porn, then hurray! You’re in a place where you can make sexy content for excited viewers. Start out with what you like, as this will come across on camera and let you see how you look when you’re having genuine pleasure. That magic moment is one of the hottest things you can share with the world!
Then, take a look at your market and see what’s missing. With porn, the more specific, the better. Into feet? Do foot worship videos. But don’t stop there! Venture into sneakers, socks, heels, and painting toenails. Explore with it! The more specific you can get within your genre, the bigger leader you’ll be and hopefully the more income you’ll receive. The most important thing is to have fun with it. It’s porn! Do what feels good with yourself and your prospective partners. Your fans will love seeing you feel good.
Caleb Daniels: Don’t overthink it. Just start filming and get comfortable around the camera. Watch scenes you like and notice what you like about them. Reach out to other porn creators and ask for their advice.
Eddie Wood: Don’t wait any longer! Don’t feel like you need wait until you’re in better shape, more famous or further along in your transition. Of course, do what you feel comfortable with, but you might as well start today, because the road is long! Today: pick a name, make a social media profile, and also make a free (for you — not your fans!) personal site and/or profile on platforms like ModelCentro, OnlyFans, JustForFans, ManyVids, Pornhub Premium, and Clips4Sale. Then, record scenes of you jerking off with your phone and start posting them! With a tripod, you can change angles throughout the shoot, and you can edit transitions to make it look more polished. The good news for us producing our own porn at home is that amateur porn is very popular! Ask a friend to play photographer for you if you want to take it to the next level. For me, that was my best friend and fellow trans man Roald Blunt.
Use social media and adult industry events, like the Transgender Erotica Awards, to connect with other trans and cis performers to shoot hardcore trade content with. Make sure to bring your 2257’s and don’t leave without your copy of the content to edit and sell. But make sure you watermark all your photos and videos before you unleash them to the world! Once it goes out, it’s not going back.
Bailey Jay: It is impossible not to have a place somewhere in this industry. So many aspects of our silly human bodies can be fetishized and therefore porn as an entity is authentically inclusive even when the industry is more often times than not, socially ignorant.
Alyx Fox: Learn as much as you can from people who are already making porn that’s similar to the kind that you want to make. Take workshops and attend festivals if possible. When I was first starting out, networking and learning from other artists was a huge help. Our community is full of incredible resources and many of us do support each other in a way that is rare in the entertainment world.
James Darling: It’s much better to be in control of how your fantasies and image is represented instead of waiting for a director or company to choose you, plus you then get the benefit of owning the content you create.
Chelsea Poe: Paid gigs come and go, so having your own projects to shoot is really important if you want to make porn your career.
Rooster Xray: DIY productions can be some of the most freeing and fun collaborative projects ever, but with the amount of effort and (unpaid) labour, they can also be draining. Collaborations might be exciting at first, but the work and collaboration may become difficult and once your content goes on the Internet, be aware that it is very hard to call “backsies”.
Find a community, online or IRL. Being surrounded by a community of people who are creating content that inspires you, etc. You will slowly find out what resources and avenues they utilize as creators.
Consider and think about why you would want to make porn, and follow your goal and ideals. It may change over time, the more experience you have in the industry, and thats totally okay.
Collaborations might be exciting at first (NRE; New Relationship Energy, why not NCE; New Collaborative Energy), but things will slow down later, and the work and collaboration may become difficult and hard at points. Be sure to be aware of this before going in. Have a conversation with your collaborators at the start of this process, maybe outline a commitment to talk through difficult times during the collaborative process, and what may happen if things fall apart. How would the project’s tasks and proceeds be divided?, etc…
Always seek references about directors, crew and/or performers you are working with for the first time. This would make you aware of their working practices, and if their practices and ideals align with yours. This would also save you a lot of time and effort to be aware and better prepared when working with a new collaborator.
Be aware of break-ups and how you navigate those. ie; Friendship break-ups, romantic relationship break-ups, collaborative break-ups. Break-ups might and will cause tension and friction between parties involved. Remember the community is small and interconnected. Be aware that you might and will still share space with your ex-collaborator.
Ex Libris: Feminist projects must always include considerations around labor practices. Do not make a plan that does not include paying your models fairly or quickly unless everyone has an agreed upon financial share. Where will you distribute or display your work? How long will it take to publish and get a revenue stream started? What legal protections do you need to put in place to avoid piracy and tube site theft? These important questions can help you avoid heartache.
Skyler Braeden Fox: As marginalized porn makers, we need to support each other, teach each other, learn from each other and take care of each other. After all, we are all we’ve got.
Tobi Hill-Meyer: Don’t wait for someone to create the opportunity for you, but do it yourself. If you don’t have fancy equipment, get a webcam or use a phone. Start with something short, 30-90 seconds, even if it’s just to send to a sweetie. These days, it’s hard to get folks to watch (let alone pay for) 20 min episodes unless you’ve already got a following. Instead, aim for 3-5 or 5-10 min length. Share some online, get a clip store. Pay a lot of attention to lighting. Pay a lot of attention to creating a social media following. But most importantly stop thinking about doing it and start doing it. You want to do it better? Practice!
Venus Lux: My advice to someone who wants to make porn themselves would be:
always have a plan or theme to give direction of what type of porn you are planning to make, having references help to stay on your vision
don’t be afraid to explore, experiment, or worrying about starting off creating something perfect. You will only learn as you go. All porn is sale worthy, it’s all about marketing.
create porn with purpose. Ask yourself, are you creating porn to be monetized or for fun/exposure? If for monetization, try creating videos that are unique and feature fetishes, sub genres, or designs that make it special to you. This is how you would brand yourself.
Q: Do your research first!!! Reach out to more established producers and ask questions. If there is someone whose work you admire, contact them and see if they would be open to mentoring someone. Along with that, mentoring is an exchange, make sure you actually bring something to the table. Make sure you are well versed on the legalities and responsibilities you have as the producer. A mistake in that arena can be costly. Also, get used to hearing the word No.
Mahx Capacity: Work with collaborators you can trust. Everyone in the room should be a person that you’re completely comfortable with and feel supported by. The three of us (Mahx Capacity, Ginny Woolf and Parts Authority) support each other artistically and are also are committed to working in a supportive body-positive, sex-positive, encouraging environment. Even so, making porn can be vulnerable — take the time to get to know the folks you’re working with before jumping into shooting. Build relationships with folks that you trust to support you through the amazing shoots AND if any issues should arise.
Devon Wipp: I built up the courage to begin applying to porn companies following years of filming myself and my partners with no professional gear or lighting. My best advice would be to shoot during the day and use a desk lamp for extra light. Far too often great videos are ruined by bad lighting. Secondly, clean your shooting space! Nothing ruins watching DIY content for me quicker than when I can see dirty dishes and laundry scattered around the room. If you can’t physically clean your space, hanging a plain sheet in the background works fine. Next, keep your pets out of the room if possible. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched a clip where an animal appears and becomes the inadvertent star. Lastly, and this is something that even professional performers forget: be mindful of lines on your skin caused by tight underwear, binders, or bra straps. Give your skin time to smooth out by walking around in the nude or in loose clothing for 15-30 mins before shooting. I know it seems counterintuitive to wear lounge clothes for a sex scene, but it creates a fresher palette to have non-cinched skin on screen rather than leave viewers to wonder if the lines across your body are a camera malfunction or the result of an ill-fitting undergarment.
Ex Libris: If you intend on making your money back or turning a profit, figure out your income stream first. Do not make a plan that does not include paying your models fairly or quickly unless everyone has an agreed upon financial share in the project. Where will you distribute or display your work? How long will it take to publish and get a revenue stream started? What legal protections do you need to put in place to avoid piracy and tube site theft? These are important questions that help you avoid heartache.
Courtney Trouble: Don’t get discouraged by this, but don’t expect much. Promote it as much as you can, but it may take a while before your work gets appreciated the way you fantasize it to. Be patient. And show everyone. It may surprise you how little people talk about porn or respond to your work face to face, but if you make something wonderful you could change someone’s life.
Venus Lux: The entertainment world can be a lot for some, but as long as you stay humble, honest to yourself, set a good example for yourself and your peers, and maintain that beautiful optimistic aura, it will take you far! And never stop loving and appreciating your amazing transgender self!
If you’ve had experience creating or asking for custom videos, what etiquette or advice can you share?
Tobi Hill-Meyer: I’ve just had a little experience creating customs and it didn’t turn out well. To avoid my pitfalls, I’d suggest setting a budget up front and being clear about it. If you’re asking for a video, be clear about what you want, but also leave it open ended enough for creativity. It’s usually better to give a few examples of things that you’d like to see and let them come up with something that fits that, rather than giving a detailed script that they find boring or difficult or requires a ton of back and forth negotiation. And above all, don’t begin the conversation unless you’re reasonably sure you’re going to spend the money and if there’s a reason you’d back out, give that up front. There’s nothing like getting a few days into back and forth emails and then calling the project off because you weren’t serious about it, or because you’re asking for something that’s not reasonable or possible.
Venus Lux: From my experience creating custom videos, the advice I would share would be:
Know your worth and your capabilities.
Set a rate or agree that you retain the custom video to use and distribute for additional revenue.
Do not be afraid to say “No” to a request that’s outside of your comfort zone. There will be more requests in the future. It’s likely that same fan will return to submit another or different request.
Make sure you shoot good quality video as it is difficult to upgrade the quality of a video from a lesser version.
When creating custom videos make sure you have processed a deposit or full payment on the order before creating, especially if it requires more than one performer.
Always maintain IDs and paper records and a backup copy of the footage.
Ex Libris: As a director and videographer, I would say always offer as much detail as you can when you are asking for a video. Trying to guess what someone wants is so difficult.
Viktor Belmont: Like any good small business, I’d say the best thing you can be is transparent and honest. Know your fees, know your limits, and be cordial yet firm in the way you’re offering your services. Create a menu of the types of content you offer, prices, and information on how someone will be delivered their goods. This leaves the customer with solid guidelines around what they’re paying for.
Courtney Trouble : Don’t be afraid to say no to a custom (or any direction) if if requires you to put up with an extreme amount of dysphoria, language you don’t agree with, or unethical behavior to complete, it isn’t worth it. If it feels like it might cross your comfort level, ask yourself if it is worth it before you do it. Make sure you know where it is going as well, make the customer sign a note that they will not distribute it. I’ve also kept copies of my customs and resell them, with minor edits.
Luna Loveless: I was a cam girl and then a porn performer myself before I began producing, and have done a significant amount of custom content in the past. It was often one of my most profitable ventures. Some advice I’d give:
Do NOT undervalue yourself and your work. Price high, be exclusive. The ones who are going to not only pay for but respect your time and effort will not care what the price is. Yes, some people may turn you down – but would you rather do 10 $50 videos in a month or 2 for $250? The choice is clear.
Be professional right from the beginning. Have what you offer and exact pricing laid out, ready to be sent to any request that comes your way. By having a base price block for X amount of time doing ‘vanilla’ content and adding smaller price blocks for additional time, kinks, outfits etc, you can both show your customers that you are organized and lower any cost disputes.
Be timely, but be honest. Don’t tell them you will have it done in two days if you know it wont be done in a week – that doesn’t help anybody. If you think it will be five days, tell them six to be safe. If you get it to them early, they’ll be that much happier!
Anything else to share?
Tobi Hill-Meyer: In addition to commercial porn (indie or otherwise), there’s a few online groups and social media pages dedicated to amateurs sharing cute and sometimes naked pics with each other. When I was coming out, those groups were amazing for my self-esteem and to combat dysphoria. We don’t often get to see other trans people’s bodies and it’s easy to compare yourself to an impossible standard or imagine the only way to look good is to look cis. We all have the little things about out bodies that make us feel terrible, but sometimes it’s easier to see someone else with the same hips, brow, jawline, or shoulders and realize that they are beautiful – and if they can be beautiful, maybe you are too.
Venus Lux: To be trans is to be courageous. That courageous spirit I use to inspire and evolve, and to be the person I want to be.
Viktor Belmont: In any part of porn consumption or production, make sure to respect and most importantly pay your performers. We all do this to try and make a living, and we love what we do. By paying for your porn, you make it possible for adult performers to continue to make the videos and photos you love to cum to. Remember, have fun with it! Porn can be fun, silly, serious and exploratory. I have so much respect for everyone who has supported the industry and all the incredible performers who make it happen. 🙂
Which performers or producers do you recommend for trans-positive porn?
Eddie Wood: If you could dream up the most beautiful, hottest, kinkiest FTM sex, it would be Bonus Hole Boys . After you work through their catalog (they are no longer shooting), make your way to JockPussy.com which also features FTM’s in gay sex with cis co-stars. CrashPadSeries also has featured a ton — maybe 80! — trans guys having sex with all types of folks, including trans guys you won’t see anywhere else! It’s kind of incredible!
If you’re looking for “straight” (FTM and MTF) content, visit Michelle Austin and Dicky Johnson’s FTM.xxx – the first of its kind! Now, bigger companies like Grooby, Transational Fantasies, and Transensual/Mile High are using FTM models as partners for MTF models. Beyond that, every day there are new FTM models popping up on Twitter, OnlyFans, JustForFans and ManyVids. Some of them are creating content with their trans and/or cis partners. Only a few years ago, this was not the case! It’s so wonderful!
Tobi Hill-Meyer: James Darling , Courtney Trouble , Chelsea Poe , and CrashPadSeries . And again, find the performers you like who’ve worked with them, then look up where else their work is.
Venus Lux: Besides my own work, websites I recommend are: FTMFucker , CrashPadSeries , and Kink.com .
Rooster Xray : Icy Winters , Pandora/Blake , AORTA Films , Evie Snax , Allie Oops , Spit Exposed , and Cine Sinclaire .
Courtney Trouble : I love BoringNerdyKate , Rooster , Leo Leander for performer/producers. Stefani Special is also incredible. Jane Way [now performing as William October ], Chelsea Poe obvi what a genius, and the people I listed in the Autostraddle Wet Hot XXX Summer essay, though not all identify as trans.
Mahx Capacity: Sluts4Sluts Collective ! Chelsea Poe ! Skyler Braden Fox ! Four Chambers !
Ex Libris: I recommend looking at Mandy Mitchell for some truly weird and hot trans girl lesbian porn and BDSM. CrashPadSeries and Shine Louise Houston’s work, as always. Venus Lux has a personal site where she has had a lot of different kinds of sex with other trans women and trans men.
Q: I facilitate a Queer Porn workshop to a variety of audiences within the queer spectrum, including older lesbians. So many people, Trans or otherwise non-conforming, still have no idea that there is actual quality, authentic, hot Trans/non-conforming sexual media readily available. I feel like PinkLabel.TV has the most expansive collection of non-normative sexual media around. The website is easy to navigate and I am madly in love with the category labels! Those two features make this website accessible to the seasoned one-handed surfers and novice alike. It’s a great place to start your search for something that might speak to you without having to be traumatized wading through all the rubbish on the internet. I also appreciate that the folks who create the media shared on the site, maintain ownership of their content, and get to continue generating income.
Viktor Belmont: There are a couple studios that go above and beyond when it comes to producing content that represents a spectrum of trans bodies. CrashPadSeries has a staggering amount of videos, photo sets, and scenes that feature trans folks of different sexual orientations. I really love CrashPad because of the care put into their content as they update their website frequently. There’s always something new and fun to watch. There’s also Bonus Hole Boys , which specializes in gay porn featuring trans and cis men. I also really recommend checking out subscription sites such as ManyVids, OnlyFans, Clips4Sale, or JustForFans.
Devon Wipp: I am a HUGE fan of anything
Shine Louise Houston directs and
Jiz Lee ,
Syd Blakovich ,
Papí Coxxx ,
Cinnamon Maxxine ,
Puck Goodfellow ,
Parker Reed ,
Gino Genet , and Stephan Jay are my favorite Trans/Genderqueer performers. I have also enjoyed a lot of content on
Bonus Hole Boys , though I do wish there were more Versatile/Flipfuck scenes or a Trans Top/Cis Bottom scene. Beyond those performers, I watch a lot of cis male gay porn (
axelabysse.com ,
stockydudes.com ,
altneradudes.com ,
bilatinmen.com ) or self-uploaded Trans content on Twitter and I will admit something folks are often surprised to learn about me is that despite mostly classifying myself as gay/queer I am wild about trans female porn stars like
Bailey Jay ,
Domino Presley , and
Venus Lux . Not only are they all stunning women but a major turn on for me is performer integrity and since I often struggle with finding trans performers that are fat/of size, people of color, disabled or intentional about the work they do I usually have to venture into more mainstream TS spaces to see content featuring trans women.
PinkLabel.TV recommends:
Film guides and collections:
Performer Newsletter for Casting Opportunities:
A few studios by trans and non-binary directors:
Thank you to contributors:
Alyx Fox | Bailey Jay | Caleb Daniels | Chelsea Poe | Courtney Trouble | Devon Wipp | Eddie Wood | Ex Libris | James Darling | Luna Loveless | Mahx Capacity | Papí Coxxx | Q | Rooster XRay | Skyler Braeden Fox | Tobi Hill-Meyer | Venus Lux | Viktor Belmont
Featured images: Papí Coxxx and Golden Curlz embrace on CrashPadSeries.com. Photo by T. Crane for Pink & White Productions.