
A Very Sorry Young Lady

Dreams of Spanking

12 min. Directed by Pandora Blake

“Dirty, disobedient girls go over the knee for a bare-bottom belting, don’t they?”

Stephen Lewis wastes no time in getting Pandora over his lap, and this film starts as it means to go on - with an exposed young lady kicking and whimpering under her disciplinarian’s hard belt. Stephen refuses to let up as she kicks and whimpers under every hard stroke.

The dialogue is as hot as the belting, with the sort of quiet, withering scolding that will make any spankee flush bright red with shame. To add to her humiliation, Mr Lewis continues his habit of inspecting her underwear for "cleanliness" - and of course, if her knickers are not clean enough for his liking, it means the punishment will be all the harder.

Here we delve into some edgy domestic corporal punishment, including a heavy-handed dose of humiliation and embarrassment. We’re all very body positive and sex positive here, making this kind of "shaming" roleplay a kind of shadow fantasy, made squirmingly hotter by the mutual trust and respect of the actors.

Playlist: BDSM: some like it rough

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