
Sex in Colour Episode 1: Kinky and Loving It

Sex in Colour

40 min. Directed by David Weathersby, Mr. Scott

Curator's Note:

Directed by David Weathersby, a filmmaker known for capturing the essence of subcultures, pushing boundaries, challenging societal norms, and presenting an honest and authentic portrayal of an often misunderstood and stigmatized community. Previously, David Weathersby tackled these to pics in the award-winning documentary, Thee Debauchery Ball: Director’s Cut. Overall, Sex in Colour is a documentary series that aims to foster understanding, empathy, and constructive dialogue about Black sexuality, celebrating the diversity and resilience of Black people while acknowledging the challenges they face. By examining the past and present, it strives to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable future for all.


KINKY AND LOVING IT is an empowering documentary highlighting the transformative potential of reclamation. Celebrating how Black folks reclaim agency over their desires, bodies, and identities, KINKY AND LOVING IT is a liberating journey into the transformative power of radical acceptance, reclamation, and love within Black kink.

Sex In Colour is a documentary series that delves into the historical and contemporary aspects of Black sexuality. The series aims to shed light on the unique experiences, challenges, and cultural influences that have shaped Black people's sexuality throughout history and in the modern world. The series explores the historical portrayal and perception of Black sexuality, considering the impact of slavery, colonialism, and racism on the sexual experiences of Black individuals and communities.

The series recognizes that Black people's sexuality intersects with other aspects of their identities, such as gender, class, and ethnicity, leading to unique challenges and opportunities.

Black sexuality has been underrepresented in the media and has included many stereotypes. The series examines issues related to sex education within the Black community and how historical biases may still impact sexual health outcomes today. Also, the documentary explores the diverse experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals within the Black community, highlighting the challenges faced by queer and trans-Black people and their contributions to the broader discussion on Black sexuality. This series honors the Black individuals and organizations that have worked to promotes sexual empowerment, dismantle harmful stereotypes, and advocate for positive change within the Black community.

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