
His Spanked Wife

Dreams of Spanking

13 min. Directed by Pandora Blake

Pandora is waiting in the corner.

Her red bottom is exposed in sheer, frilly panties; her dress is pulled up around her waist. She’s been spanked once already, but she knows the punishment isn’t over yet. Behind her, she can hear her husband reading a book; pages turning, like the ticking of a clock. But all she can see, if she dares to open her eyes, is the corner where she stands.

She could move, of course. She could break position, rub her aching backside. She could glance behind her to see what her husband is doing. But she doesn’t. She knows that what comes next will be ever so much worse if she does. So she waits in her corner. She waits, and she wonders: how long will it be until he finishes the chapter?

Here we explore that taboo patriarchal fantasy of a husband exerting his power over his wife, spanking her for her ‘disrespect’ and because ‘she deserves it’. Importantly, after-care is integrated into the story, keeping the roleplay sexy and the power dynamic in place even as Stephen Lewis shows affection to his submissive, whimpering wife.

Playlist: BDSM: some like it rough

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