
As You Wish, My Lady

Pollux Studio

5 min. Directed by Jo Pollux, Sadie Lune
BDSMdominationartistic2010'sexplicit sexGermanyHDpostopporn
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2010'sexplicit sexGermanyHDpostopporn
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Curator's Note:

This film includes brief moments of breath play, a high-risk BDSM activity that was practiced with the consent and safe observation of a camera crew. We do not advise anyone to experiment with this dangerous act without education and training.


My Lady likes a dark space underground, we've all spent time there but none of us know the way. We wait for her inside ourselves, touching each other maybe. She first appears as clacking boots and crushed fig leaves on a stairway, then the boots slacken until still. She's probably deciding, or maybe she's done it days ago. I hold my breath, and hope.

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