
Zen Pussy: An Hour Meditation on Eleven Vulvas

Best of Vulva Massage

60 min. Directed by

Every vulva is an entire erotic universe waiting to be explored. This unique movie from Annie Sprinkle and Joseph Kramer artfully presents a 60-minute edit of Zen Pussy with 6-8 uninterrupted minutes with each vulva. Extreme close-ups of eleven of their erotically-gifted friends. Contemplating vulva can stimulate creativity, access ancient wisdom, dispel shame, bring about enlightenment and arouse plenty of good, old-fashioned erotic pleasure. Look into each mons mandala as you would a crystal ball or flames in the fireplace. Welcome visions, reflections, memories, feelings and questions. What is the answer to vulva?

Thanks for the inspiration, Joani Blank, Betty Dodson, Scarlot Harlot, Dorrie Lane, Linda Montano, Lao Tsu, Marco Vassi

"The video consists entirely of crisply focused close-ups. The lighting is pleasant and natural-looking. The locations are quiet, with very little background noise of any kind. The audio consists of deep breathing, thrilled sighs, uninhibited giggles, and the odd tummy grumble, plus the ring of a chime to herald each vulva as she first appears."
- AdultDVD Talk

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