
NOW PLAYING: Feelmore Fresh Presents Courtney Trouble’s Queer Porn Movie Party

Queer Porn Movie Party

On Thursday, December 5th, Feelmore will present a screening of works by Courtney Trouble at the New Parkway in Oakland, California. Performer and Pink & White Productions’ Online Marketing Director Jiz Lee interviewed Courtney and Feelmore510 Owner/Producer Nenna Joiner about the event, which will feature guest appearances by April Flores and Nikki Hearts.

Jiz Lee: Nenna, how does Feelmore Fresh’s programing help further your values with Feelmore510, and benefit Oakland’s community?

Nenna: We began Feelmore Fresh as a way of utilizing our community business, in order to make sure we have diversity and representation — and not just from people that the community is made up of. It’s a way to keep consistent with the type of business Feelmore does, and a way to increase a welcoming space for the new Oakland that is emerging.

Courtney is a phenomenal person who exudes Oakland because of their* hard work. Even though they recently moved to Oakland, they have always had that gritty work ethic which has opened many doors for their creative gifts. That body of work speaks for itself as it is long and deep (pun intended). Their authentic relationship with all the performers makes the night more of a welcome-home party.

Usually we have film compilations, however, their body of work makes any fan — or soon to be fan — know why we wanted to partner with Trouble.

Jiz: Courtney, what new works will we see screened? Did you make them special for the event, and if so, what ideas drove your vision?

Courtney Trouble: I took Nenna’s idea of “Feelmore Fresh” and ran with a concept of showing brand new, fresh ideas in my creative garden. I’ll be showing a few fresh pieces from QueerPorn.TV and IndiePornRevolution.Com, including a scene I shot specifically for this event that is really a very “Fresh” look on queer men in porn — it’s romantic, raunchy, and just a totally different way of exploring queer men in pornography. I’m also very excited to present an excerpt from my brand new film Girl Pile, which is out on DVD today. Girl Pile is also an incredibly “fresh” way of looking at lesbian porn: It’s offered up completely unedited and uncensored, which I think breaks down some of the general stereotypes on uber-feminine girl/girl style lesbian porn by showing four performers do what they do best without any direction, interruptions, or edits.

There’s also a few surprises, one of which I will give away right now: The first scene being shown features an incredibly iconic plus size adult film super star with fiery red hair (OK OK it’s April Flores!) AND she will be coming all the way up from LA to be my date to the event, a special guest you can meet and gush-over after the films.

Jiz: Why is it important to see sex screened in a theater, as part of a community?
Nenna: Watching porn in a theater is nothing more than a novel idea to get try buy-in. You are there, you enjoy porn. But given that you are watching this content in Oakland speaks louder to the fact that Oakland has and is continually changing to be a constant mirror to that of San Francisco. As many nightlife, restaurants, and people have moved to Oakland, we also hope the love and admiration that has helped lift a city like SF to national heights we envision the same happening for Oakland.

Courtney: Oh, it’s *so* important, because watching porn in public removes so much of the residual shame and socialization we carry around with us regarding porn and sexuality. So many people have epiphanies about themselves at these kinds of events. I know I have. I think being shy about porn preferences, or being private about what you like to watch, is totally beautiful and wonderful. And on the same edge, the powerful energy you’ll find at a community porn screening has a way of strengthening our own desires and our own resolve to be supportive of ourselves and more vulnerable with our sexual wants and needs, whether we are private porn viewers or exhibitionist. Watching porn with other people is life-affirming, especially when you see yourself represented in the porn you’re watching or you see something you personally really like — having an entire audience cheer for something that resonates with you can have a profound effect on your self image.

I’m also so glad that I get to partner up with Feelmore on this, because I adore Nenna’s vision and I adore her store. I’ve called Oakland my home now for almost 3 years and Feelmore is a hub for the radical sex-positive politics that are getting very strong here in the East Bay. I look forward to having more progressive porn events in Oakland and excited to be supporting the vision behind Feelmore Fresh.

Read Courtney’s blog about the screening, join/invite others via their Facebook event, and get your tickets ASAP at BrownPaperTickets! Feelmore is also on Facebook and Twitter, and those outside of Oakland can shop online at Feelmore510.com

In the meantime, check out Courtney’s work via TROUBLEfilms and Nenna’s work via FEELMORE Entertainment. And scope their sexy poster. (Is that JUBA we see?!)

*Courtney Trouble identifies as a femme genderqueer and has expressed to us that they prefer “They/Them” pronouns, in certain contexts. 

Queer Porn Movie Party

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