

1001 Plateaus
valuable, viable and respect-deserving
20210111 1001 plateaus
full service video production
20200602 422luxe
abcde Flash
navigating sexual curiosities
20231003 abcde flash
porn and sexual wellness
20220926 afterglow
Agostina Prato
Cumwich manifesto
20241024 agostina prato
Alessandro Amaducci
experimental videos, documentaries, music videos
20240912 alessandro amaducci
Alexandre Medeiros
underground porn filmmaker
20221006 alexandre medeiros
Alpha Blue Archives
Vintage 1970s Adult Movies
20190609 alpha blue archives
Altered Innocence
films with an artistic edge
20210602 altered innocence
Indie and Alternative Adult Community made by Performers + Creators + You!! · headed by Irina Vega
20160615 altporn4u
altSHIFT... altERNATIVE porn... SHIFTable sexualities and gender... altERING perceptions... SHIFTing away from the norm
20190707 altshift
Amadalia Liberté
investigating the boundaries of the body, identity, and dissent
20250107 amadalia liberté
André Medeiros Martins
About the vulgar and the so-called vulgarities.
20230925 andré medeiros martins
Andre Shakti & Nikki Darling
politicized erotic work
20180226 andre shakti & nikki darling
anna ivanova
pornography as a tool for activism and liberation
20250202 anna ivanova
Anna Span
Easy on the Eye - Women Love Porn
20150107 anna span
Annie Sprinkle
The Pioneer of Sex-Positive Feminism
20121101 annie sprinkle
Anoushka Movies
a passion for cinema
20220121 anoushka movies
rascal storyteller with a feral imagination
20230914 antone
lusty, opulent, glorious fuckery
20160322 aorta films
Apricity & Almonds
Brainwaves + Heartbeats + Astrology + Forest + ~
20210713 apricity & almonds
Atomic Cheesecake Productions
femme-focused fantasy worlds
20230708 atomic cheesecake productions
Atta Girl Productions
Untold stories brought to light.
20190703 atta girl productions
DIY queer studio based in Montreal
20230706 axge
b. Persei
autoeroticism & autosadism
20221104 b. persei
Bande James Bond
queer and humoristic gaze to the pornographic field
20240726 bande james bond
Bangor Films
Bangor Films
low-budget underground
20210507 bangor films
Be:cause sex is fun(ny).
20240213 be:smut
Bea Blue
porn activist
20220608 bea blue
Beautiful Revenge Productions
High quality heady artporn
20170922 beautiful revenge productions
Benjamin Egger
post human manifestation
20220828 benjamin egger
Best of Vulva Massage
the full spectrum of vulva touch
20220622 best of vulva massage
BEYONDEEP Productions
spread love, empower and explode boundaries
20181231 beyondeep productions
BIJOU classic gay porn
BIJOU Gay Classics
promoting gay history and erotica since 1969
20190926 bijou gay classics
Black Swan Productions
body-positive queer media collective
20200314 black swan productions
Blue Artichoke Films
Erotic Film for People who Like Film
20121031 blue artichoke films
Bo Rainotte
queer punk poet who writes out loud
20200130 bo rainotte
FTM gay hardcore with cis men and trans guys.
20140514 bonus hole boys
Buck Angel Entertainment
Pioneering FTM porn filmmaker
20130123 buck angel entertainment
Buttermilk Films
20190804 buttermilk films
C Batts Fly
High Gloss Meets Underground
20121015 c batts fly
Calba Rio
connection and intimacies
20241213 calba rio
Candida Royalle
Candida Royalle
The Godmother of Feminist Porn
20230131 candida royalle
🌱 Reason by lust is sway’d 🌹 Films by Eve X & Sai Jaiden Lillith 🍎🐍
20220627 canto v films
Carnal Productions
erotic authenticity on screen
20240624 carnal productions
Carnegie Hole
A queer dive-bar of porn, where the niche is the norm!
20210107 carnegie hole
Carré Rose Films
French. Indie. Fun. Sexy. Hot.
20201217 carré rose films
Charlie Forde
porn is the storyline
20220916 charlie forde
Cheryl Dunye
queer new wave
20131120 cheryl dunye
Chris Noon
homoerotic portraits
20241001 chris noon
Christian Slaughter
Makes the magic happen
20130202 christian slaughter
Christopher Lee Legacy Project
the first trans-directed adult films showcasing trans men with various partners
20240904 christopher lee legacy project
Ciné Sinclaire
Feminist. Body Positive. Inclusive.
20181109 ciné sinclaire
Andrés Valenzuela’s explicit content production project
20250302 cineculo
kinky, narrative porn films
20240305 cinemaginación
CLAP! Collectif
trans and non-binary porn collective based in Brussels
20231024 clap! collectif
Cléo Dubois Academy of SM Arts
a satisfying sex life through the exploration of their erotic desires
20190502 cléo dubois academy of sm arts
Clever Girl Pictures
Unhurried states of arousal
20141205 clever girl pictures
ColorBlock Films
queers on queers on queers
20211207 colorblock films
CornPop Bright
evoking as many senses as possible
20230912 cornpop bright
CrashCourse How to Make Porn
Crash Course
Inspired to make porn? You're in luck!
20170124 crash course
Queer Adult Cinema
20120516 crashpadseries
Creamy Coconut
surreal educational entertainment
20140526 creamy coconut
Cremoso Filmes
queer, erotic, and post-porn aesthetic
20240609 cremoso filmes
trans queer sex worker activist
20200513 crevette production
Cuddle Factory
trans-focused queer cuddleporn
20200124 cuddle factory
Cult Epics
releasing rare cult films
20181122 cult epics
Cum Different
diversity and love in sexuality
20170417 cum different
Daemon Derriere Productions
porn that inspires, educates, and protests
20230104 daemon derriere productions
Dagda Foto
Finding Zen
20221105 dagda foto
Dante Dionys
Dante Dionys
enjoyable from the beginning on for both audience and performer
20200423 dante dionys
Dark Rainbow Films
films that engage, empower, and are told from an LGBTQ+ perspective
20241105 dark rainbow films
Darling Valentine
fantasies that are as exciting for the participants as they are for the viewer
20200605 darling valentine
Das Diktat
pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling
20171129 das diktat
Deborah Sundahl
Deborah Sundahl
Leader and expert in female ejaculation and the G-spot
20190606 deborah sundahl
Deike Schwarz
deconstructing normative representations of gender
20240303 deike schwarz
Del LaGrace Volcano
gender variant visual artist
20200702 del lagrace volcano
Diego Tigrotto
tantra, BDSM, polyamory, and post-porn
20231201 diego tigrotto
Dimestore Productions
Telling Candida's story
20230227 dimestore productions
Disorder Desire Productions
porn as a creative way of working with sexual politics
20131120 disorder desire productions
we want everyone to see how we fuck
20231024 dochodzę
Domina Mara
bringing all levels of submissives + fetishists to their knees
20220914 domina mara
DominaX Productions
everyday situations with a BDSM touch
20230929 dominax productions
Drawing Board Productions
a focus on queer stories
20170424 drawing board productions
Dreams of Spanking - Pandora Blake
Dreams of Spanking
authentic queer sex and consensual BDSM
20190213 dreams of spanking
Drip Films
Gay smut! Dyke pornos! Silly little sexy movies!
20190716 drip films
High quality strap-on videos by Nikki Hearts.
20191030 dykeddown
Early to Bed Productions
more authentic queer sex
20130610 early to bed productions
Refreshing sexual imaginaries.
20210328 ediy porn
Egocentric Productions
controversial and cutting edge
20190418 egocentric productions
Eleven Tentacles
explicit whore-positive work
20130202 eleven tentacles
Elisa Monteil, La Fille Renne, and Laure Giappiconi
an explicit focus on the body and sexuality
20231115 elisa monteil, la fille renne, and laure giappiconi
Emilie Jouvet
Emilie Jouvet
sex-positive feminist
20210226 emilie jouvet
Emma Noëlle Cunt
fighting against capitalism and patriarchy
20240602 emma noëlle cunt
Emre Busse
contemporary sexualities and trans-cultural pornography
20220729 emre busse
Erika Lust Films
Stories of Desire, Filmed with Passion
20160121 erika lust films
Erotic Dawn
bringing deep emotion into porn
20240501 erotic dawn
Ex-Lesbian Productions
Pervy BIPOC trans content of your dreams.
20240201 ex-lesbian productions
Fantasy Xtudio
Erotic gay short films
20231216 fantasy xtudio
Fatale Media
quality videos that are explicit, authentic and sexy, and geared to lesbians and other sexually adventurous souls
20181231 fatale media
Putting the O in Voting
Favianna.com Studios
art and praxis address migration, gender justice, climate change, racial equity, and sexual freedom
20201026 favianna.com studios
Feelmore Entertainment
An entrepreneur at heart with an eye towards her community
20131009 feelmore entertainment
consensual sex and the lust of all genders
20200619 femfuchsfilms
Femmerati Productions
Sexperimental, Femme-driven Cinema
20121015 femmerati productions
Feuer Zeug
feminist porn that shows sex in a realistic setting
20200717 feuer zeug
Filly Films
beautiful women who really love being with other women
20200320 filly films
Filthy Femdom
powerful women dominate mens' dirty dreams
20230612 filthy femdom
Finn Peaks
queer glitter diva from next door
20190801 finn peaks
ForPlay Films
ForPlay Films
Erotica by women, for women.
20190704 forplay films
Frameline Distribution
International LGBTQ+ filmmaking
20220201 frameline distribution
Francy Fabritz
cultural sciences, aesthetics, and applied arts
20180410 francy fabritz
Fruit Punch Productions
east coast-based feminist, sex positive, queer owned outfit
20130802 fruit punch productions
Gay, straight & queer FTM porn created by James Darling
20140430 ftm fucker
Fuck the Fascism
decolonial and antifascist docu-porn
20230222 fuck the fascism
Fucking Conflicts
sexualities through a queer feminist lens
20231010 fucking conflicts
blending feminist and ecofeminist perspectives with cinematic artistry, using sex as a transformative narrative tool
20250120 gaya art
Genevieve Kuzak
butch masculinity and the darkness of the internet
20220127 genevieve kuzak
Gentleman Handling
Honest, attentive, and reverent
20220304 gentleman handling
safer sex videos for the gay community
20230108 gmhc
GoAskAlex Media
authentic home-grown Canadian porn
20230917 goaskalex media
Gonella Productions
Global view of indie films
20230210 gonella productions
Good Releasing
authentic and diverse adult content
20190321 good releasing
Goodyn Green Photography
feminist porn filmmaker
20190308 goodyn green photography
Gorilla Factory Productions Logo
Gorilla Factory Productions
Independent distributor and production company.
20190117 gorilla factory productions
Guby Moon
exploring the beauty of sexuality and love with a new vision
20231125 guby moon
Handbasket Productions
Radical, Oppression-Aware Media Collective
20121102 handbasket productions
Hanna Schaich
A celebration of lust, queer bodies building intimacy, connection and passion.
20221202 hanna schaich
HardWerk Pictures
20201030 hardwerk pictures
Harvey Rabbit
self-representation, honesty, and creativity
20191116 harvey rabbit
Heavenly Spire
Masculine Beauty
20120521 heavenly spire
Heavy Load Studios
a reinvention of classic gay porn
20240504 heavy load studios
new perspectives to porn and cinema
20240630 hedonistas
Helen Corday
Dreamy adventures in smut
20190904 helen corday
enhance your experience of sex
20200501 himeros
Homo Made Films
I am a Homo and I Made these Films.
20200314 homo made films
We believe the world could use a bit more color and a bit more cock
20241022 homogoods
Horny Animal Productions
the most unexpected boner you've ever had
20241025 horny animal productions
I Abject Productions
the unsavory and sweet corners of desire
20170922 i abject productions
Icy Diamond Productions
reappropriate and divert the mainstream's porn codes
20230925 icy diamond productions
Iniquitous Inquiry
Iniquitous Inquiry
healthy consensual communication
20200109 iniquitous inquiry
Insatiable Pictures
We are a queer porn studio based in Berlin.
20200218 insatiable pictures
Intensidades Films
a different porn is possible
20191120 intensidades films
Irina Vega
“Why not make the porn I’d like to see?”
20190307 irina vega
Isis Hockenos & Haley Myer
a deep interest in film, music production and all things sexy
20221006 isis hockenos & haley myer
Ivan Sobris
pornography meets beauty and poetry
20200219 ivan sobris
Jack C Productions
All trans AND GNC bodies are sexy!
20241014 jack c productions
Jackie Conors Entertainment and Ryan James Presents
Queer and feminist authentic erotica
20171114 jackie conors entertainment and ryan james presents
Jamal Phoenix
FTM. Gay. Kinky. Certified Slut.
20221211 jamal phoenix
Jana Nowak
explicit, live action sex education and educational porn
20241015 jana nowak
Jaq Quicksilver
chronicles their experimentation with gender and their ongoing physical transition
20231004 jaq quicksilver
Jenni Olson Productions
film historian and filmmaker
20181126 jenni olson productions
Jim Vendiola
erotic arthouse romance
20220323 jim vendiola
JinkLab Creations
Jinklab: Creating Your Kinky Dreams
20240827 jinklab creations
Jiz Lee’s VOiD
An Internet fuckhole for Jiz Lee's porn collaborations.
20130128 jiz lee’s void
Chilean filmmaker and actor
20220817 jorgetheobscene
Josefa Jensch
20221008 josefa jensch
Joseph Kramer Productions
teaching erotic touch through film
20231011 joseph kramer productions
JoyBear Pictures
Very British. Very Naughty.
20201010 joybear pictures
Julia Ostertag Produktion
identities, sexuality and subculture
20210211 julia ostertag produktion
Juliana Piccillo
Documenting The Celluloid Bordello
20230304 juliana piccillo
Art. Escorts. Insights.
20250101 justnotbed
Kadu Hammett
Independent films created at zero cost.
20240102 kadu hammett
Kali Sudhra
Kali Sudhra
Siren and seductress, porn performer and new director.
20210509 kali sudhra
Karolina Kucia
performative interventions
20241011 karolina kucia
Kim Cums Logo
Kim Cums Productions
Whole Worlds of Porn
20190907 kim cums productions
Kitty Rodé
agender monster-femme creating multidisciplinary art
20221008 kitty rodé
activism and liberation through new approach to porn cinema
20240901 krempiński/dylewski
Kristian Petersen Filmproduktion
20210313 kristian petersen filmproduktion
La Branlée
porn collective based in Paris
20230917 la branlée
Lauren West
collage, fashion, and film
20231017 lauren west
"We Make Pretty."
20140130 lightsouthern
Lina Bembe
sex education and explicit sexuality
20200505 lina bembe
Loree Erickson FemmeGimp Director of WANT sex and disability
Loree Erickson
queer femmegimp porn academic
20191009 loree erickson
Lou Bessemer
a one-person studio
20181212 lou bessemer
Mad Science Studios
Warning: Risk of Shock
20140530 mad science studios
Madison Young Productions
If I can't fuck, it's not my revolution.
20160912 madison young productions
Maggie Bailey
exploring sex positivity and unheard voices
20230214 maggie bailey
Maja Classen
Exploring queer sex-positive spaces with the aim of breaking down taboo subjects
20250301 maja classen
Mandel Naïs
a voice for desire
20240102 mandel naïs
Manege Erotik
Spirited, Vivid, Colorful!
20210128 manege erotik
Mantis Lab
porn is a political action
20201109 mantis lab
films that explore the dynamics of polyamory and personal relationships
20241002 marcoestuvoaquí
Maria Beatty Films
Renown for her profound explorations of female sexuality, fantasy, fetish, and BDSM.
20181212 maria beatty films
Mark Reynolds
I make no apologies for your arousal.
20231005 mark reynolds
Maryann Peony
Independent Berlin-based DIY filmmaker.
20171211 maryann peony
Max Disgrace
proud trans masc pervert
20180926 max disgrace
melting point images
The private is still political!
20200601 melting point images
Meow Meow
Meow Meow
For the sake of art and for our own pleasure.
20170417 meow meow
Metamouth Productions
paranormal and niche erotica
20170630 metamouth productions
Michelle Handelman
Michelle Handelman
queer new wave
20190110 michelle handelman
Mindy Stricke
new perspectives
20221214 mindy stricke
Minus Is Valido
funny postporn films
20210313 minus is valido
Mitch Harrison Productions
his niche is in adult humor
20241014 mitch harrison productions
film magic
20230912 monochrom
Morgana Muses’ Permission4Pleasure
Morgana Muses Production Company
20150917 morgana muses’ permission4pleasure
Ms. Naughty’s Bright Desire
Quality Erotic Films for Women
20130102 ms. naughty’s bright desire
mtv-tch productions
Hey Sailor, Hey Sister
20190924 mtv-tch productions
N Max Lander
a thin line between beauty and vulgarity
20130527 n max lander
Nadia Louis-Desmarchais
Passionate about sexuality and identity
20241107 nadia louis-desmarchais
Naked at My Age Productions
Intimacy Coach Charla Hathaway
20210523 naked at my age productions
Nat Portnoy
theories of sociocultural construction
20221008 nat portnoy
Body Hair Focused Pornography from a Queer Woman’s Perspective
20140516 naughtynatural
Experimental films that escape the norm
20210326 nicky miller
Nina Hoffmann
The art of biting
20231019 nina hoffmann
investigating the representation of masculinity and intimacy
20231024 no_pic_no_chat
Noel Alejandro Films
a blend between cinema and erotica.
20220103 noel alejandro films
nothin’ films
Independent films about alternative queer histories.
20210111 nothin’ films
Nu Shibari
exploring the different techniques in Shibari, Bondage and Kinbaku
20240920 nu shibari
Oil Productions
a desire to tell stories through bodies
20231206 oil productions
One Trick Pony
alt-porn by bike
20150203 one trick pony
Orgiástica Productora
queer-feminist chilean artists
20231011 orgiástica productora
Paprika X
Paprika X
Environmental Erotica
20200902 paprika x
Patrick Catuz
touching the body and the mind
20230515 patrick catuz
Petra Joy
Films from a Female Perspective
20121231 petra joy
GIRL KING and pirated masculinities
20220712 pietrobruno
Pina Brutal Productions
Seriously Funny Porn.
20230125 pina brutal productions
Pink and White Productions
The Hot Bed of Queer Sexual Cinema
20120809 pink and white productions
Pink Material
Experimental and narrative adult films
20230228 pink material
Piotr Lewandowski
exploring themes of movement, space, interpersonal relations, corporeality and queerness
20240923 piotr lewandowski
Pixel Aphrodite
Seattle porn producer
20181004 pixel aphrodite
Poison Apple Productions
feminist erotic filmmaker, Anna Brownfield
20210521 poison apple productions
Pollux Studio
queer kink and sexuality through a lens of mystery and fantasy
20190321 pollux studio
the intensity of sex with cinematography
20210419 pornorama
PoV Queenz
a point of view you haven't seen before
20240301 pov queenz
Praline Studio Logo
Praline Studio
20211101 praline studio
Puppy Please
Puppy Please
Insolent, chaud et profond.
20210318 puppy please
Queer Church
sex-positive adult entertainment through queer erotic film
20170622 queer church
Queer Crush
We're here, we're queer...wanna watch?
20230930 queer crush
Ramses Rodstein
Ramses Rodstein Films
QTPOC to the front
20191011 ramses rodstein films
powerhouse femmes and eye candy
20241108 rbp
Renderer Films
hidden histories of queer sexuality and identity
20211219 renderer films
Rori Dior
COVID-era erotic film
20240731 rori dior
Royal Fetish Films
bringing passion, sensuality, sex appeal, romance, and kink to adult entertainment
20221007 royal fetish films
Rubis Collective
pornographers trying to give porn a new face
20200117 rubis collective
S.I.R. Video
Sex, Indulgence, and Rock n Roll!
20240120 s.i.r. video
Sad Girls
Sad Girls
The saddest political group in the world.
20191009 sad girls
Salty Cheri
Salty Cheri
Berlin-based movies, for hot adventures!
20200213 salty cheri
Schiller Productions
Classic dyke video
20190909 schiller productions
ScumTrust Productions
exhibiting our inner demons
20171129 scumtrust productions
Sexual Expression for All
20230409 sefa
Sensate Films
Slow Porn.
20140331 sensate films
Sex in Colour
a documentary series on the historical and contemporary aspects of Black sexuality
20240702 sex in colour
Sex School Hub
Get the most out of your sex life.
20191125 sex school hub
Shiri Feingold
Getting high on my own sperm
20221024 shiri feingold
Shu Lea Cheang
Shu Lea Cheang + Juergen Bruening Filmproduktion
a cyber homesteader and high-tech aborigine
20190912 shu lea cheang + juergen bruening filmproduktion
Signe Baumane
The Teat Beat of Sex
20230502 signe baumane
Silvia Marcantoni Taddei
a dappled set of explicit documentaries
20240401 silvia marcantoni taddei
Siouxsie Q Productions
Showcasing the art and voices of American sex workers.
20150428 siouxsie q productions
Sky Deep Films
Sky Deep Films
the visibility of people of color and queer people
20170622 sky deep films
Skyler Braeden Fox
both revealing and provocative
20180124 skyler braeden fox
Snack Studios
Just a queer artist in a romance with the camera.
20200130 snack studios
transmuting sex
20240202 sosucks
Spark Erotic
Cinematic quality and ethical sexuality
20160408 spark erotic
sssh.com porn for women
porn made from a woman’s point of view
20170421 sssh
Stoya Inc
What is authenticity in sex?
20221121 stoya inc
Stryker Studios
The brainchild of Kitty Stryker.
20150915 stryker studios
Studio Ava LaPrima
Left of center alternative porn.
20170726 studio ava laprima
studio grrr
postporn. artzsex. playcontent
20230122 studio grrr
Studio Porn Freaks Club
mixing actions, emotions and sensations
20221014 studio porn freaks club
Sugar Town
Spread the love and be kinky
20191218 sugar town
Sura Hertzberg
Sura Hertzberg
intimate and fully sensorial experience of art
20201107 sura hertzberg
Synaps Collectif Audiovisuel
original cinematographic and audiovisual projects
20231012 synaps collectif audiovisuel
T-Wood Pictures
Diverse Men with Diverse Bodies
20121015 t-wood pictures
Thaís de Almeida Prado
interdisciplinary boundaries between cinema
20231004 thaís de almeida prado
Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.
The Bressan Project
A pioneer of independent gay cinema
20200611 the bressan project
The Keyhole Sessions
Urban Peepshows
20140415 the keyhole sessions
The Lust Garden
Independent and Inclusive Smut Project with a Queer Feminist Gaze
20171110 the lust garden
The One That Got Away
films that once you've seen them, are never truly out of your system
20240616 the one that got away
Thousand Faces
Artsy, theatrical porn exploring kink, performance, humour, and emotion.
20190216 thousand faces
Tickle Takedown
girl-on-girl smack-downs and forced tickling
20170609 tickle takedown
20190422 tongue on cheek productions
Toytool Films
Support your local pornographer
20230512 toytool films
Ahead of the Trends: The Next Golden Era of Porn Begins with TROUBLEfilms
20121101 troublefilms
Urban Smut Logo
Urban Smut
Sex is on the streets!
20210217 urban smut
Urban Tantra
Find your place in the sacred sexuality community
20190801 urban tantra
independent trans content producer
20220607 vanniall
VE Productions
Laugh with friends, critique the patriarchy, and get turned on!
20200124 ve productions
Visual poetry and porn.
20180122 vespéral
Viktor Belmont
Sensuality, lust, and a penchant for adventure
20160615 viktor belmont
Queer, Trans, Disabled-led studio
20230707 wank!
Real Couples, Real Scenes, Real Orgasms, Real BDSM
20170418 wasteland
Werther Germondari
ironic, grotesque and playful approach to porn
20210211 werther germondari
Witchy Woo Productions
queer magickal art
20230111 witchy woo productions
Wohler Films
exploring little-known queer histories
20230919 wohler films
Yoann Stehr
Yoann Stehr is a Belgian director
20210128 yoann stehr
a sexually explicit media project
20221110 zerospaces